Sermons & Lessons

Most recent presentations. You can also list by speaker or topic.

How to Beat the Devil

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM February 16, 2025

What is Love?

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM February 9, 2025

The Lord is Good

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM January 12, 2025

Snow as a Treasure

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM January 5, 2025

Riches to Rags

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM December 22, 2024

Branches in Christ

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM December 15, 2024

Overcoming Through Prayers

Sunday AM December 8, 2024Guest Speaker - "Obi" Kwabena Obiri Yeboah from Kumasi, Ghana Church of Christ Representing Ghana Bible College

Imitators of God

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM December 1, 2024

Thank You Lord

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM November 24, 2024

Family of God

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM November 17, 2024

The Great Commission in Action

Don Pownell - Sunday AM October 27, 2024& Nate Curtis Ghanna Mission Update

God's Mirror

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM September 8, 2024

The Tears of Jesus

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM September 1, 2024

Challenges for Christians in Today's World

Sunday AM August 11, 2024The Elders - Grant Deitch, Tim Williams, Paul Yoder, and Larry Mackey

Worthy Art Thou

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM July 14, 2024

What God Is Like - Part I

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM June 30, 2024Unfortunately this sermon is unavailable.

Water Works

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM June 23, 2024

Jesus is Mine

Isaiah Krause - Saturday AM June 15, 2024

The Revolution of Mercy

Sunday AM June 2, 2024Guest Speaker Nate Weber our Camp Hill C of C Harding University Attendee.

Encouragement Weekend - Anxiety

Sunday AM April 28, 2024Guest Speaker Rusty Stark from Carlisle Church Of Christ. 

Encouragement Weekend - Unforgiveness

Sunday AM April 28, 2024"Heart Diseases and Their Cure" LARRY KRAUSE - UNFORGIVENESS

Encouragement Weekend - Hopelessness

Saturday AM April 27, 2024"Heart Diseases and Their Cure" MIKE GREEN - HOPELESSNESS

Give Us a Sign

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 31, 2024

The Ten Commandments

Sunday AM February 18, 2024Larry Krause standing in for Isaiah Krause. 

An Axe That Floats

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM February 4, 2024

The Lord Heard It

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM January 14, 2024

The Glory of God

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM January 7, 2024

The Joy of Christmas

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM December 24, 2023

Why Were You Born?

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM December 10, 2023

Why God Answers No

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM November 26, 2023

Blood that Speaks

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM November 19, 2023

"What Time Is It?"

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM November 12, 2023

What is Friendship?

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM October 29, 2023

A Prophet Like Moses

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM September 17, 2023

The Hub of the Bible

Sunday AM September 3, 2023Larry Krause standing in for Isaiah Krause.

The Glorious Church

Sunday AM July 2, 2023Larry Krause standing in for Isaiah Krause

Difficulties in the Home God Designed

Sunday AM April 30, 2023Marriage Seminar Lesson 3

The Husband as God Designed

Saturday AM April 29, 2023Camp Hill Marriage Seminar Part 3

The Wife as God Designed

Saturday AM April 29, 20232023 Camp Hill Marriage Seminar  Part 2

Life of Paul

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM April 16, 2023

The Name of God

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 5, 2023

What is God Like?

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM February 26, 2023


Don Pownell - Sunday AM January 29, 2023

The Model Prayer

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM January 15, 2023

Grace and Forgiveness

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM November 27, 2022

Special Presentation: Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort

Sunday AM November 27, 2022Guest speaker Dwane Casteel tells about the work going on in Nashville, TN and nationwide with Churches of Christ disaster relieft effort. 

Loving Relationships

Isaiah Krause - Tuesday AM November 22, 2022

Holy or Common

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM November 13, 2022

The Elders

Steve Cantrell - Sunday AM November 6, 2022


Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM October 30, 2022

The Psalm of Praise

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM October 16, 2022

Getting Behind God

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM October 9, 2022

The Master Teacher

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM October 2, 2022

Camping With God

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM September 25, 2022

Personal evangelism

Sunday AM September 11, 2022

Ephesians 4

Steve Cantrell - Sunday AM September 4, 2022Ephesians 4

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 28, 2022The Greatest Story Ever Told

Wise Behaviors to Strengthen Your Marriage

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 21, 2022Wise Behaviors to Strengthen Your Marriage

Nope, That's not in the Bible

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 14, 2022Nope, That's not in the Bible

When a Boy Became King

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 7, 2022When a Boy Became King

Caught in a Trap

Daniel Risser - Sunday AM July 31, 2022Caught in a Trap


Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM July 24, 2022Genesis

David and God's Mighty Men

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM July 17, 2022David and God's Mighty Men

The Perfect Father

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM June 19, 2022The Perfect Father

John the Baptist

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM June 12, 2022John the Baptist

Noah by the Numbers

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM June 5, 2022Noah by the Numbers


Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM May 29, 2022Malachi

The Prophet Obadiah and the Pride of Edom

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM May 22, 2022The Prophet Obadiah and the Pride of Edom

What Do We Learn from Godley Mothers

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM May 8, 2022What Do We Learn from Godley Mothers

Stay the Course

Tim Williams - Sunday AM May 1, 2022Stay the Course

More Beyond

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM April 17, 2022More Beyond

Building Up Our Homes

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM April 10, 2022Building Up Our Homes

When Jesus was Troubled

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 13, 2022When Jesus was Troubled

Who is My Neighbor?

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 6, 2022Who is My Neighbor?

Big Biblical Words

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM February 27, 2022Big Biblical Words

What's your Cornerstone?

Tim Hall - Sunday AM February 20, 2022What’s your Cornerstone?

How to Have a Happy Home

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM February 13, 2022How to Have a Happy Home

Treasure in Jars of Clay

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM January 23, 2022Treasure in Jars of Clay

Believe and Don't Doubt

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM January 16, 2022Believe and Don't Doubt

Believe and Don't Doubt Full Service

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM January 16, 2022Believe and Don't Doubt Full Service

How to be Selfless in a Selfie World

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM January 2, 2022How to be Selfless in a Selfie World

Hearing when God speaks

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM December 26, 2021Hearing when God speaks

Be An Influencer

Tim Williams - Sunday AM October 24, 2021Be An Influencer

Feeding the fire of our hearts

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM October 17, 2021Feeding the fire of our hearts

Obie Ghana Guest Speaker

Don Pownell - Sunday AM October 10, 2021Obie Ghana Guest Speaker

Four N.T. Roads

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM October 3, 2021Four N.T. Roads


Steve Cantrell - Sunday AM September 26, 2021Shepards

Qualifications for Elders

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM September 19, 2021Qualifications for Elders

What did Jesus finish?

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 29, 2021What did Jesus finish

Digging Out of the Hole of Depression

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 22, 2021Digging Out of the Hole of Depression

Leaving Egypt Behind

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 15, 2021Leaving Egypt Behind

The Book of Job

Daniel Risser - Sunday AM August 8, 2021The Book of Job

Preparing for the Trip of a Lifetime

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 1, 2021Preparing for the Trip of a Lifetime

What God Can Do With a Little

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM July 25, 2021What God Can Do With a Little

Breaking Free From Bad Habits

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM July 18, 2021Breaking Free From Bad Habits

Develop Good Habits

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM July 11, 2021Develop Good Habits

Curse of Jericho

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM July 4, 2021Curse of Jericho

Jesus makes everything special

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM June 27, 2021Jesus makes everything special

A Burial that saves

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM June 13, 2021A Burial that saves

Guard your mind

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM June 6, 2021Guard your mind

A Godly man who almost slipped

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM May 30, 2021A Godly man who almost slipped

Greatness of God from a to z

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM May 23, 2021Greatness of God from a to z

Ascension of Jesus

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM May 16, 2021Ascension of Jesus

ABC's of Proverbs 31

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM May 9, 2021ABC's of Proverbs 31

Fulfillment of God's Plan

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM May 2, 2021Fulfillment of God's plan

The Great Commission

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM April 25, 2021The Great Commission

Breakfast with Jesus

Isaiah Krause - Saturday AM April 17, 2021Breakfast with Jesus

Eight Days After the Resurrection

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM April 11, 2021Eight Days After the Resurrection

The Resurrection of Jesus

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM April 4, 2021The Resurrection of Jesus

The Triumphal Entry of Jesus

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 28, 2021The Triumphal Entry of Jesus

7 Things God Hates and Loves pt. 2

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 21, 20217 Things God Hates and Loves pt. 2

7 Things God Hates and Loves

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 14, 2021Seven Things God Hates

Battle of the Heavyweight Champs

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 7, 2021Battle of the Heavyweight Champs

When the Books Were Opened

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM February 21, 2021When the Books Were Opened

The Begats of Gen 5

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM February 14, 2021The Begats of Gen 5

The Awesomeness of God

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM February 7, 2021The Awesomeness of God

Elders Sermon

Grant Deitch - Sunday AM January 31, 2021Elders Sermon

Laodicea, the Church that Made Jesus Sick

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM January 24, 2021Laodicea, the Church that Made Jesus Sick

Philadelphia: The Church with the Open Door

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM January 17, 2021Philadelphia: The Church with the Open Door

Sardis: Church of the Living Dead

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM January 10, 2021Sardis: Church of the Living Dead

Thyatira: The Church Where Jezebel was a Member

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM January 3, 2021Thyatira: The Church Where Jezebel was a Member

Gifts We Can Give Ourselves

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM December 27, 2020Gifts We Can Give Ourselves

Church in Sin City

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM December 20, 2020Church in Sin City

Faith Under Fire

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM December 13, 2020Faith Under Fire

Losing that Loving Feeling

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM December 6, 2020Losing that Loving Feeling - Rev 2:1-5

What is Truth?

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM November 29, 2020What is Truth?

Why I Love the Lord

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM November 22, 2020Why I Love the Lord

What We Believe About the Bible

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM November 15, 2020What We Believe About the Bible

Simon Says

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM November 8, 2020Simon Says

Sermon About Nothing

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM November 1, 2020Sermon About Nothing

When Christians Disagree - Sermon - 10-25-20

Tim Williams - Sunday AM October 25, 2020When Christians Disagree:The Great Mask Debate & Romans 14

4 Hopes That We Sing - Sermon - 10-18-20

Sunday AM October 18, 20204 Hopes That We Sing

Praising God in Hard Times - Sermon - 10-11-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM October 11, 2020Praising God in Hard times Job 1:21Psm 34Hab 3:17-19Acts 16:25

Why I Missed My Family - Sermon - 10-04-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM October 4, 2020Physical family is important:1 Tim 3:3, 5:4, 5:8, So is our church familyEph 2:19-20, “God’s household”1 John 3:1, “Children of God”Rom 8:17, “Heirs of Jesus”Prov 18:24, “Close friends”

Securing Our Homes - Worship - 9-27-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM September 27, 2020Did you know there's a porch pirate on your doorstep right now?  He's not there for your material goods though.  Find out who he is and how to defeat him in this morning's sermon with Isaiah.

Securing Our Homes - Sermon - 9-27-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM September 27, 2020Did you know there's a porch pirate on your doorstep right now?  He's not there for your material goods though.  Find out who he is and how to defeat him in this morning's sermon with Isaiah.

What God Cannot Do - Worship - 9-20-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM September 20, 2020Would you be surprised to learn that there are a few things that our almighty and powerful God cannot, or rather will not do?  We'll share at least 6 of them this morning with you.

What God Cannot Do - Sermon - 9-20-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM September 20, 2020Would you be surprised to learn that there are a few things that our almighty and powerful God cannot, or rather will not do?  We'll share at least 6 of them this morning with you.

What is Worship? - Worship Srvc - 9-13-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM September 13, 2020Why do we worship and what should it consist of according to the New Testament commands?

What is Worship? - Sermon - 9-13-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM September 13, 2020Why do we worship and what should it consist of according to the New Testament commands?

Proverbs on Anger - Worship - 9-6-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM September 6, 2020Do you know the difference between righteous anger and destructive anger?  Is your anger in defense of the Gospel or of yourself?  We'll look at some examples of each today.

Proverbs on Anger - Sermon - 9-6-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM September 6, 2020Do you know the difference between righteous anger and destructive anger?  Is your anger in defense of the Gospel or of yourself?  We'll look at some examples of each today.

The Doe of the Morning - Worship - 8-30-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 30, 2020How does the The Doe of the Morning Psalm help us better understand the crucifixion?  See how God divinely works the telling of His salvation story throughout history.

The Doe of the Morning - Sermon - 8-30-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 30, 2020How does the The Doe of the Morning Psalm help us better understand the crucifixion?  See how God divinely works the telling of His salvation story throughout history.

Struggling with Doubt - Worship - 8-23-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 23, 2020What can we do when we start feeling doubtful?  Today we're going to learn 4 lessons from Sarah that will help us to remember that we really have no reason to doubt our God.

Struggling with Doubt - Sermon - 8-23-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 23, 2020What can we do when we start feeling doubtful?  Today we're going to learn 4 lessons from Sarah that will help us to remember that we really have no reason to doubt our God.

The Glory of God in the Clouds - Worship - 8-16-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 16, 2020Do you love a cloudy day or does it bring you down?  Here are a few reminders that will brighten up any cloudy day.

The Glory of God in the Clouds - Sermon - 8-16-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 16, 2020Do you love a cloudy day or does it bring you down?  Here are a few reminders that will brighten up any cloudy day.

The Cost of Discipleship - Sermon - 8-9-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 9, 2020Like Demas, many love the world more than Jesus.  If they really weighed the costs and benefits, their choice would be easy.  Have you considered the cost of your discipleship?  What choice will you make?

The Cost of Discipleship - Worship - 8-9-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 9, 2020Like Demas, many love the world more than Jesus.  If they really weighed the costs and benefits, their choice would be easy.  Have you considered the cost of your discipleship?  What choice will you make?

The King who Turned White - Sermon - 8-2-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 2, 2020We're going to look at 3 lessons we can learn from the king who turned white in the Old Testament.  

The King who Turned White - Worship - 8-2-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 2, 2020We're going to look at 3 lessons we can learn from the king who turned white in the Old Testament.  

Jesus is Better Than - Full Worship - 7-26-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM July 26, 2020Let's look at some of the things Jesus is 'better than' according to the Hebrews' writer.  Is Jesus 'better than' anything in your life?

Jesus is Better Than - Sermon - 7-26-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM July 26, 2020Let's look at some of the things Jesus is 'better than' according to the Hebrews' writer.  Is Jesus 'better than' anything in your life?

The Miracle that Took Two Tries - Sermon - 7-19-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM July 19, 2020Did you know there was a miracle that took Jesus two tries to complete?  Listen in and find out what can you learn from that miracle.

The Miracle that Took Two Tries - Worship - 7-19-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM July 19, 2020Did you know there was a miracle that took Jesus two tries to complete?  Listen in and find out what can you learn from that miracle.

Draw Near to God - Sermon - 7-12-20

Daniel Risser - Sunday AM July 12, 2020Daniel Risser brings a lesson this morning about drawing strength in troubling times by drawing near to God.  He is always a source of strength for the Christian.

Draw Near to God - Worship - 7-12-20

Daniel Risser - Sunday AM July 12, 2020Daniel Risser brings a lesson this morning about drawing strength in troubling times by drawing near to God.  He is always a source of strength for the Christian.

New Every Morning - Full Sermon - 7-5-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM July 5, 2020Every day is a new start for the Christian, a clean slate.  This is a glorious gift that gives us hope that our joy may be full (as John writes).  Will you take advantage of God's gift today?

New Every Morning - Sermon - 7-5-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM July 5, 2020Every day is a new start for the Christian, a clean slate.  This is a glorious gift that gives us hope that our joy may be full (as John writes).  Will you take advantage of God's gift today?

Every Scar Tells a Story - Full Sermon 6-28-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM June 28, 2020Most people will accumulate a few scars in their lifetime.  What story do they tell?  How do we benefit from the scars of Jesus? 

Every Scar Tells a Story - Sermon 6-28-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM June 28, 2020Most people will accumulate a few scars in their lifetime.  What story do they tell?  How do we benefit from the scars of Jesus? 

Duct Tape Dad - Sermon 6-21-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM June 21, 2020What is a 'Duct Tape Dad' and how to tell if you are one.  Happy Father's Day!

Duct Tape Dad - Full worship - 6-21-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM June 21, 2020What is a 'Duct Tape Dad' and how to tell if you are one.  Happy Father's Day!

God's Favorite Word

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM June 14, 2020What is God's favorite word and how can it change your life and afterlife?

Justice & Navigating Difficult Times - Worship - 6-7-20

Tim Williams - Sunday AM June 7, 2020Today's talk addresses the recent situations and feeling arising in our nation.  How does God want us to act in such times, towards each other, and towards the world.  Do we know the difference?  Whether with prayer or punishment, love must be at the root of both.

Justice & Navigating Difficult Times - Sermon - 6-7-20

Tim Williams - Sunday AM June 7, 2020Today's talk addresses the recent situations and feeling arising in our nation.  How does God want us to act in such times, towards each other, and towards the world.  Do we know the difference?  Whether with prayer or punishment, love must be at the root of both.

Speaking 6 Love Languages to God - Full Worship - 5-31-20

Tim Williams - Sunday AM May 31, 2020This morning, Tim Williams expands on the concepts from Gary Chapman's book by presenting the Six Love Languages we should speak to God.

Speaking 6 Love Languages to God - Sermon - 5-31-20

Tim Williams - Sunday AM May 31, 2020This morning, Tim Williams expands on the concepts from Gary Chapman's book by presenting the Six Love Languages we should speak to God.

The Wisdom of God - Full Worship - 5-24-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM May 24, 2020Are you looking for a cafeteria-style god, where you order this or that and expect to get it?  Do you seek a god that imparts divine knowledge via mysticism or illumination?  Or are you allowing God to tell you who He is through His Son and His Word?  What is your reaction to the Wisdom of God?     *Note: These videos are not meant to replace home or other corporate worship services as we are commanded to do. They are a matter of convenience for homebound or traveling members and guests who have no other access to a congregation. Please enjoy and email us if there is any problem with the recording. Thank you.

The Wisdom of God - Sermon - 5-24-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM May 24, 2020Are you looking for a cafeteria-style god, where you order this or that and expect to get it?  Do you seek a god that imparts divine knowledge via mysticism or illumination?  Or are you allowing God to tell you who He is through His Son and His Word?  What is your reaction to the Wisdom of God?     *Note: These videos are not meant to replace home or other corporate worship services as we are commanded to do. They are a matter of convenience for homebound or traveling members and guests who have no other access to a congregation. Please enjoy and email us if there is any problem with the recording. Thank you.

Spiritual Blessings We Have in Christ - Full Worship- 5-17-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM May 17, 2020We have numerous blessings in Christ that fall into 2 groups.  Today we'll look at just a few of those examples that should embolden us to live for Him without fear. *Note: These videos are not meant to replace home or other corporate worship services as we are commanded to do. They are a matter of convenience for homebound or traveling members and guests who have no other access to a congregation. Please enjoy and email us if there is any problem with the recording. Thank you.

Spiritual Blessings We Have in Christ - Sermon - 5-17-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM May 17, 2020We have numerous blessings in Christ that fall into 2 groups.  Today we'll look at just a few of those examples that should embolden us to live for Him without fear. *Note: These videos are not meant to replace home or other corporate worship services as we are commanded to do. They are a matter of convenience for homebound or traveling members and guests who have no other access to a congregation. Please enjoy and email us if there is any problem with the recording. Thank you.

The Woman God Said Was Great - Full Worship 5-10-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM May 10, 2020Today we look at what it takes to become great in the kingdom of God and one woman who did just that. *Note: These videos are not meant to replace home or other corporate worship services as we are commanded to do. They are a matter of convenience for homebound or traveling members and guests who have no other access to a congregation. Please enjoy and email us if there is any problem with the recording. Thank you.

The Woman God Said Was Great - Sermon - 5-10-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM May 10, 2020Today we look at what it takes to become great in the kingdom of God and one woman who did just that. *Note: These videos are not meant to replace home or other corporate worship services as we are commanded to do. They are a matter of convenience for homebound or traveling members and guests who have no other access to a congregation. Please enjoy and email us if there is any problem with the recording. Thank you.

Strength Training - Sermon only 5-3-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM May 3, 2020Where does a Christian's strength come from? How do we become strong in difficult times? Learn more about that today. *Note: These videos are not meant to replace home or other corporate worship services as we are commanded to do. They are a matter of convenience for homebound or traveling members and guests who have no other access to a congregation. Please enjoy and email us if there is any problem with the recording. Thank you.

Strength Training - Full Worship 5-3-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM May 3, 2020Where does a Christian's strength come from? How do we become strong in difficult times? Learn more about that today. *Note: These videos are not meant to replace home or other corporate worship services as we are commanded to do. They are a matter of convenience for homebound or traveling members and guests who have no other access to a congregation. Please enjoy and email us if there is any problem with the recording. Thank you.

Mountain Before the Valley - Full Worship 4-26-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM April 26, 2020What difference do the mountains and valleys in your life make?  Come find out today how you need both to have a full life.  *Note: These videos are not meant to replace home or other corporate worship services as we are commanded to do.  They are a matter of convenience for homebound or traveling members and guests who have no other access to a congregation.  Please enjoy and email us if there is any problem with the recording.  Thank you. 

Mountain Before the Valley -Sermon 4-26-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM April 26, 2020What difference do the mountains and valleys in your life make?  Come find out today how you need both to have a full life.  *Note: These videos are not meant to replace home or other corporate worship services as we are commanded to do.  They are a matter of convenience for homebound or traveling members and guests who have no other access to a congregation.  Please enjoy and email us if there is any problem with the recording.  Thank you. 

Believing without Touching - Full Worship 4-19-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM April 19, 2020How can we know God exists?  Is asking for proof a bad thing?  How can we be more like Jesus and less like 'doubting Thomas'?  *Note: These videos are not meant to replace home or other corporate worship services as we are commanded to do.  They are a matter of convenience for homebound or traveling members and guests who have no other access to a congregation.  Please enjoy and email us if there is any problem with the recording.  Thank you. 

Believing without Touching - Sermon 4-19-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM April 19, 2020How can we know God exists?  Is asking for proof a bad thing?  How can we be more like Jesus and less like 'doubting Thomas'? *Note: These videos are not meant to replace home or other corporate worship services as we are commanded to do.  They are a matter of convenience for homebound or traveling members and guests who have no other access to a congregation.  Please enjoy and email us if there is any problem with the recording.  Thank you. 

Be Still - Full Worship 4-12-20

Isaiah Krause - Saturday AM April 11, 2020We are reminded of the call of God to come into a quiet place today and just 'be' with Him.  That fellowship is reserved for Christians and is only available through accepting the sacrifice of His Son.

Be Still - Sermon 4-12-20

Isaiah Krause - Saturday AM April 11, 2020We are reminded of the call of God to come into a quiet place today and just 'be' with Him.  That fellowship is reserved for Christians and is only available through accepting the sacrifice of His Son.

Worry - Full Worship 4-5-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM April 5, 2020Isaiah Krause discusses 5 reasons why not to worry in the present times.  We hope you find it encouraging.

Worry - Sermon 4-5-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM April 5, 2020Isaiah Krause discusses 5 reasons why not to worry in the present times.  We hope you find it encouraging.

Cleanliness - Full Worship 3-29-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 29, 2020What does God have to say about being 'clean' and is it something we can achieve on our own? This is the full recorded worship service.

Cleanliness - Sermon only 3-29-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 29, 2020What does God have to say about being 'clean' and is it something we can achieve on our own? This is the sermon only.  See other link for the full service.

Apples of Gold - Full Worship - 3-22-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 22, 2020Isaiah Krause teaches how we need to use the right words with the right voice to make the right impression.  Our words should be like 'apples of gold.'

Apples of Gold - Sermon 3-22-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 22, 2020Isaiah Krause teaches how we need to use the right words with the right voice to make the right impression.  Our words should be like 'apples of gold.

The High Cost of Sin - Full Worship 3-15-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 15, 2020Including the sermon "The High Cost of Sin" with Isaiah Krause.

The High Cost of Sin - Sermon 3-15-20

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 15, 2020Isaiah Krause discusses three aspects of Samson's life, what sin cost him, and how we can avoid the same pitfalls.

The Samson Sin-Drome

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 8, 2020This morning we take a look at Samson's life and the things that caused his downfall, and ask ourselves if we too have the Sampson Sin-drome.

Raising Children in a Philistine World

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 1, 2020If you are a parent who is struggling with raising a child, don’t lose hope.  Today's lesson will offer some ways to raise up children in a Philistine world.   


Timmy Williams - Sunday AM February 23, 2020Tim Williams II discusses the need universal for repentance.

The Rejected Warrior

Isaiah Krause - Wednesday AM February 19, 2020Today we learn about the rejection of Jephthah and how it shaped him into being a mighty warrior for God.

From Zero to Hero

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM February 9, 2020Learn 4 lessons today on how the Lord is able to use the faith of even the weakest of men and women to accomplish great things to His glory; and how we must respond to be blessed.

Judges 4 and 5

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM January 26, 2020Today we'll look at some unlikely heroes with some unlikely 'help.'  Can you picture how God might use you for His glory?

Three Judges

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM January 19, 2020Today we'll look at 3 Judges who made an impact on Isaiah Krause and how God can use anyone to accomplish His greater purpose.  Why not you? There were difficulties recording the video so the notes are provided for you.

The Ten Commandments - Pt 2

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM January 12, 2020Learn about commandment 5-10, which ones carried over into the New Law and why, today as we finish this lesson on the 10 commandments.  

The Ten Commandments - Pt 1

Isaiah Krause - Wednesday AM January 8, 2020Today we'll look at the first 4 commandments, under the old law, that God gave to Moses and the Israelites that deal with the relationship between God and man.

The Past, Present, and Lessons from Legos

Larry Mackey - Sunday AM December 29, 2019The is a 3-part lesson delivered by 3 of our Elders - Grant Deitch, Paul Yoder, and Larry Mackey.  (There are no notes.)

The Cradle, Cross, and Crown

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM December 22, 2019The story of Jesus can be divided into 3 stages, "The Cradle, The Cross, and The Crown."  Today we'll look at all 3 and see what comfort and joy they can offer you this holiday season.

The Precious Name of Jesus

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM December 15, 2019Jesus is a common name in many cultures but the name of our dear Savior is held in high regard.  Find out why it holds such esteem today.

Why Does God Allow Suffering

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM December 8, 2019There are many reasons why suffering is permitted and beneficial to us.  We'll look at a few examples today of why God allows suffering in our lives.

Thanks Living

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM December 1, 2019Isaiah Krause challenges us to have a daily life and attitude of gratitude rather than just once per year.

Who Are We Responsible For?

Tim Williams - Sunday AM November 24, 2019The Camp Hill church's mission statement is reviewed and the question for you to answer is, 'what is your role in the mission.'  Who are you responsible for? 

What Love Does Not Do

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM November 17, 2019This week we'll discuss 8 things that love doesn't do.  These are not negative but positive traits.  See if you can pass the test at the end.

What Love Does

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM November 10, 2019How do I know if I have love in my heart?  What does a loving person look like?  Paul says LOVE is a gift more desirable than any others you could possess.  Find out more about love today.

Communicating Christ Effectively

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM November 3, 2019One of the great challenges that every Christian has is in sharing the good news of the gospel.  The question we often struggle with is, “How can I communicate the gospel effectively?"  Learn some ways to make it easier today.

The God of Second Chances

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM October 27, 2019Have you ever wished to have one more chance?  Are you afraid that God won't forgive you?  Find out the truth today.

The Trinity

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM October 20, 2019What does the Bible teach about the Trinity and what are its roles? 

Man's Way or God's Way

Joshua Crain - Sunday AM October 13, 2019Joshua Crain, Atty. brings our lesson this morning of a brave man who turned his life over to Christ.  To God be the glory!

The Foolish Questions Jesus Answered

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM October 6, 2019Throughout the ministry of Jesus we see several occasions where the Lord is asked a foolish question.  Today we'll look at a few examples and see how Jesus responded.  What would you have said?

The Foolish Questions Jesus Answered

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM October 6, 2019This video is posted with Medium quality for testing purposes/comparisons (and is the same as the other by the same name).

Be-Attitudes of Romans

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM September 29, 2019Romans 12:9 is where Paul gives specific details on how not to be conformed to this world.  “These BE-attitudes of Romans” are the attitudes we need to have in order to be an imitator of Jesus.

Should We Be Afraid of the Number 666?

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM September 22, 2019A misunderstanding of the number 666 found in the book of Revelation (Chp 13) has confused and frightened many people. What does the number really mean and symbolize?  Do we have anything to fear?

The Miracle that Never Happened

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM September 15, 2019Can you think of miracles that Jesus could've done and didn't?  There must be many, but there's one in particular that we all need to be thankful for, that it never happened.

Jesus' Method of Evangelism

Monday AM September 9, 2019Jason Allen describes 3 ways we can evangelize effectively like Jesus did.

The Choice of a New Generation

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM September 1, 2019Everyone has 2 options in life whom they will serve.  Today we look at Joshua's choice and Isaiah encourages you to commit or recommit your life to God.

The Glory of God

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 25, 2019Take a look and see if you can recognize the glory of God in these examples we discussed this morning.

Social Media & The Christian

Tim Williams - Sunday AM August 18, 2019What should a Christian do with Social Media?  Is it evil or just a tool?  Listen to thoughts and warnings today on how it can be used to honor God.


Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 11, 2019The lesson today from Rehoboam shows how even kings can make poor decisions, especially if they have bad advisors.  Listen and learn how to make good choices and wise decisions from His Word.

Miracles on the Cross

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 4, 2019Due to technical difficulties, we have no audio for the sermon.  The notes are posted for download.


Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM July 28, 2019The imagination is a powerful thing and it can be used for good or for evil.  We'll look at some examples today and how they affect our lives.

Living Sacrifice

Isaac Cantrell - Friday AM July 26, 2019Isaac Cantrell brings a rousing plea today to have a zeal for the Lord, to become a living sacrifice for God daily.  Will you accept the challenge?

Parable of the Sower

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM July 14, 2019The Word was spread upon the earth, to many soils, which one are you most like?

Jake the Snake

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM July 7, 2019What are you wrestling with in your life today?  Problems?  Pain?  Sin?  Jacob shares how he preservered until he received a blessing.

Ghana Update

Charli Yana - Sunday AM June 30, 2019Welcome Brother Emmanuel Antwi who brings both greetings and good news from our brethren in Ghana.

Ghana Mission Update

Charli Yana - Sunday AM June 23, 2019Charli Yana presents a mission update on the work in Ghana.

Being Called Out

Sunday AM June 23, 2019Jason Allen introduces Nathanael, Junior, and Brandin who will each give brief messages this morning on what it means to be 'called out.'

If I Could Build a Father

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM June 16, 2019What kind of father would you build if you could?  Isaiah Krause lists his top 5 characteristics of a good father.  See if your list has the same qualities.

Walking with God

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM June 9, 2019How does one walk with God?  Take a look at some Biblical examples today and learn how you can walk likewise.

Before and After Jesus

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM June 2, 2019We've all seen commercials that tout the benefits of their products with 'before and after' pictures.  Come see what your life is like 'before and after' Jesus.  The benefits are heavenly!

Freedom in Christ

Steve Cantrell - Sunday AM May 26, 2019Steve Cantrell delivers another empassioned plea for a changed life after he takes you on a one-day journey to a most wonderful place.  Will it change your life?

Overcoming Temptation

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM May 19, 2019Learn the secret weapon to guard against temptation and how to prevent it in the first place.

Bible Moms

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM May 12, 2019Learn about Isaiah Krauses' picks for Top 5 Bible Moms and why.  What can you learn from them?

Seven People Our Church Could Not Do Without

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM May 5, 2019No doubt you could readily list things you would need to survive, but can you list the things the church needs to survive?  Compare your list with the one offered today and see if you are on that list.

Adopting for God

Nate Curtis - Sunday AM April 28, 2019Today, Nate Curtis shares some familiar adoption stories to impart just how much God loves us, and how good it can be to be adopted into His family. (The L2L presentation is at the end.)

What the Resurrection Declares

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM April 21, 2019What is the significance of the Resurrection?  And what does it have to do with Christianity?  It's a most miraculous event.  Find out more today.

Not-so-Famous Amos

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM April 14, 2019Isaiah Krause walks us through the book of the prophet Amos today.  In examining the charges God levied against Israel and Judah, perhaps we can use that plumb line to examine ourselves and make the necessary changes.  [Sermon starts at 30:45.]

Why Was Jesus Lifted Up?

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM April 7, 2019'Snake on a stick' may sound like a delicacy to some, but God had Moses use this symbol of healing centuries before the Resurrection to point to One who would come and be lifted up on a tree for our spiritual healing.  You too can look to Him and be healed.

Psalm & Song Service

Monday AM April 1, 2019Today's worship is a psalm and song service to the Lord.

What God Thinks of Me

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 24, 2019Do you worry that God is out there somewhere, far away from you or not listening?  Nothing could be further from the truth.  See what scripture has to say about just how special you are to Him.

How to make Biblically Sound Decisions

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 17, 2019The decisions we make can have a long, lasting impact on our lives.  Learn how to make good and wise decisions that will bless you and your family in the long run.

The New Testament Church

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 10, 2019The sermon today speaks of the characteristics in the first-century church.  They should be the same characteristics that define His church today (and in every place & age), in addition to the pattern of salvation set forth by the apostles that we follow.

Can These Bones Live?

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 3, 2019No matter the condition of your dry bones, God breathed life into them once and can do it again.  What are you struggling with?  Find out how to remedy it today.

Getting Ready for a Great Surprise

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM February 17, 2019Today we'll talk about 4 surprising facts about the return of Jesus.

Trusting God When We Don't Understand Him

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM February 10, 2019Today's lesson is about Habakkuk who questioned why it seemed that the bad people of the world were winning.  And why wasn't God doing anything about it?  Listen to the lessons learned and Habakkuk's conclusion.

Seven Things Jesus Left Behind

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM February 3, 2019Before Jesus ascended into heaven He left some unfinished business behind for His disciples, His church to do.  Do you know what they were?

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Deacons

Sunday AM January 27, 2019Jason Allen applies some of Stephen Covey's time-tested ideas in the light of scripture in regards to the office of deacons - as we install 4 new deacons today.

How Not to Walk on Water

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM January 20, 2019You probably already know how not to walk on water.  Most people do it everyday.  But what if you could?  Jesus said it's possible to.  Learn what is preventing you from having a 'walk on water' kind of faith today.

3-D Marriage

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM January 13, 2019Isaiah Krause gives some pointers on how to have a 3-D Marriage to keep one healthy or bring one back from the brink of extinction.


Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM January 6, 2019Romans 1:20 tells us that much about God can be observed through nature itself, leaving us without excuse to believe in a Creator.  Today Isaiah Krause takes a look at 'creation.'

Our Past, Present, and Future

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM December 30, 2018Today's talk is a reflection about our past, our present, and our future as presented by Isaiah Krause, Tim Williams, and Paul Yoder.

Being Light

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM December 23, 2018Isaiah Krause speaks of us being lights in the world and the 11 qualities that those lights must possess.

Hand Me Downs

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM December 16, 2018Were you ever given 'hand me downs' to wear?  Sometimes they can be a bad addition to your wardrobe.  But the ones we are given from Jesus are a brand new, perfect fit, that will never fade or wear out.  Won't you put them on?

The Yoke of Jesus

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM December 9, 2018Are the burdens you bear too much to carry?  Have you considered the lightness of the yoke of Jesus?  Find out more about it today.


Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM December 2, 2018Isaiah Karuse presents the Biblical qualities of an Elder - their responsibilites and ours as well.  Please keep our selections in your prayers.

Giving Thanks

Timmy Williams - Sunday AM November 25, 2018Tim Williams II shares his favorite story with us this morning and challenges us to 'give thanks' in all circumstances.  Learn how you can find the positive in negative times.

Six Things That Never Change

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM November 18, 2018In a world of constant change, there are but few things we can rely on to stay the same.  Today you'll hear about 6 dependable truths that you can stand on!

What Can God Do With Adversity?

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM November 11, 2018How does God use adversity in your life to shape and mold you into the perfect Christian?  Find out today as we learn more about adversity.

Deacons, God's Special Servants

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM November 4, 2018Today we are reminded of the special qualities of a Deacon as it pertains to ones serving the church.  

The Amazing Body of Christ

Tim Williams - Sunday AM October 28, 2018An encouraging word is offered by Tim Williams about how God uses our strengths and weaknesses to fit together, to build one another up, to work as one in His kingdom.

Eight People Not in Heaven

Isaiah Krause - Thursday AM October 25, 2018This morning's talk focuses one of many scriptures that outlines the kind of people not found in heaven based on Revelation 21:6-8.

The 7 Wonders of Heaven

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM October 14, 2018Have you even been fascinated to visit any of The 7 Wonders of the World?  Today, hear about The 7 Wonders of Heaven and you will be even more amazed, especially when you realize that Jesus already bought a ticket and it's waiting for you!

Fixing Broken Relationships

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM October 7, 2018This morning we hear some suggestions on how to deal with people in difficult situations and maintain relationships.

The Locusts are Coming!

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM September 30, 2018The locusts allowed Joel to prophecy of the coming devastation hence, the coming day of the Lord.  The warning is still true today:  His day is coming, destruction is rendered, but there is hope.

Mastering The Circumstances Of Adversity

Sunday AM September 23, 2018Jason Allen brings us the good news about how we can all enjoy contentment in our lives, like Paul did, no matter if there are good times or adversity.

When We Get Together

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM September 16, 2018Today's lesson is about when & why we get together and the wonderful benefits of being in the family of God.

Mary Had a Little Lamb

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM September 9, 2018The early Christians expected a lion but got a lamb instead.  Today, many are expected a lamb but will only get the lion of judgment when Jesus returns.

After Death

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM September 2, 2018The topic today raises many important points that must be dealt with in this life if we are to know what will become of us After Death.


Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 26, 2018Isaiah Krause encourage us to avoid worldy, idle chatter that benefits no one and instead to 'gossip the gospel' message.

Justice, Mercy, Grace

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 19, 2018Isaiah Krause teaches the difference between God's Justice, Mercy, and Grace.  You can't' have a loving God without all three qualities and we too should possess all three parts.

The Cause & Cure for Loneliness

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 12, 2018Isaiah Krause brings us the message of 4 common causes of loneliness and the solution.


Tim Williams - Sunday AM August 5, 2018The Elders present passages from the scriptures about marriage this morning.

The Mission-Minded Church

Don Pownell - Sunday AM July 29, 2018Today, hear several messages about the mission work the congregation is involved in, the difference it makes, and how you can help too.

Bored or Blown Away?

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM July 22, 2018Are you Bored or Blown Away when it comes to God's Word and worship?  How happy our heavenly Father would be to see us excited to spend time with Him.  He's waiting for you.

Dream Team

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM July 15, 2018Isaiah Krause introduces you to Jesus' Dream Team, a 'rat pack' not so unlike the rest of us.  God did amazing things with them.  What can He do with you?


Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM July 8, 2018Are you a 'fool' in God's eyes?  Find out exactly what a fool looks like to God as described in scripture and what we should be.

Loving Other Christians

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM July 1, 2018This morning's lesson highlights several ways that we can show our love for other one another.

The Bread of Life

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM June 24, 2018Why is it when there's a storm, one of the staples people stock up on is bread?  It sustains your life on earth of course, but what Bread are you stocking up on for the afterlife?  Isaiah Krause tells you where to find it this morning.

The Perfect Father

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM June 17, 2018Listen to Isaiah Krause extole the qualities of our perfect heavenly Father.  Learn how we can become like and how we can respond to Him.

The Importance of Great Marriages

Tim Williams - Sunday AM June 10, 2018Tim Williams speaks about The Importance of Great marriages to the Church and to God.

The Story of 2 Battles

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM June 3, 2018Let's analyze 2 battles to see how we can be victorious in the battle of life.

Just Passing Through

Charli Yana - Sunday AM May 27, 2018Charli Yana delivers a message this morning about the fleeting days of this life and the eternal home we should be preparing for.

Wissam Speaks and Is God Ambidextrous?

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM May 20, 2018First, a special update from Wissam, followed by a brief lesson by Isaiah on a rare quality that God possesses.  

Mother's Day

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM May 13, 2018Today you're invited to hear another perspective on God's love for us - in view of Mother's Day.

God's Love

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM May 6, 2018God's love is amazing!  Find out just what it can do for you today.

The Book of Galatians

Matt Hampton - Sunday AM April 29, 2018This morning we share a reading of the Book of Galatians (by several men) intermingled with song.  We hope it will encourage you to study the book further.

Postcard of the New Testament

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM April 22, 2018Isaiah Krause teaches from the Letter of Philemon today, an often overlooked book of the New Testament about reconciliation.

Until He Comes

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM April 15, 2018Isaiah Krause offers different perspectives of how one might view the 2nd coming of the Lord.  Which one will you choose?

Can We Pass the Test?

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM April 8, 2018No, you don't have to study.  Listen and see where you stand on this test this morning.  Use it as a baseline to see where you want to go in life and what you need to learn to get there.

What's in Your Toolbag?

Grant Deitch - Sunday AM April 1, 2018Are you a useful tool in the Father's hands?  What tools has He given you to work with and are you using them - correctly and often?  

So, You Think You're a Nobody.

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 25, 2018Aren't sure about your self-worth?  Find out this morning just how much you're worth to God.

Blood Donation

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 18, 2018Would you refuse a life-saving blood donation from the Red Cross?  How about an afterlife-saving blood donation from Calvary's Cross?  Think about it as Isaiah Krause describes the many benefits of saying, Yes! to Jesus.

I Don't Want to be a Pharisee

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 11, 2018Find out about the choice words Jesus had for the Pharisees and how they got so off course.  Isaiah Krause asks you to look in the mirror and see if a Pharisee might be looking back at you.


Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM March 4, 2018Water holds much significance in the Bible and has been used to illustrate many concepts.  For the Christian, it is vitally important as it marks the time that one becomes one with the Lord and His kingdom.

The Most Expensive Meal in History

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM February 25, 2018What is the ultimate cost of sin?  How much are you willing to pay?  Would you like to have the price paid for you?  Decide for yourself after you listen to this lesson by Isaiah Krause.

Andrew Evangelism

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM February 18, 2018Isaiah Krause speaks on the faith and character that we, like Andrew, must having for being proper 'fishers of men.'

Out of the Whirlwind

Isaiah Krause - Monday AM February 12, 2018They say you can't make a diamond without pressure.  What beautiful things does God have in store for your life through your trials?  Are you trusting Him through the process?


Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM February 4, 2018This morning Isaiah speaks about a woman of great faith that is often overlooked; but because she backed her faith up with action, God gave her a special place in history and in the lineage of Jesus.

How to Thrive at 85

Isaiah Krause - Monday AM January 29, 2018What was Joshua's secret to staying young?  Watch today's sermon to find out how you too can thrive at age 85 or any age.

The Second Mile

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM January 21, 2018Isaiah Krause encourages you to go the 'second mile' this morning in order to win over that person with the love of Christ.

The Goodness of God

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM January 14, 2018This morning, Isaiah Krause discussing the various tastes in the Bible and how we can taste The Goodness of God.

The Power of Encouragement

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM January 7, 2018Isaiah Krause tells of the power of words and how we can use them for good or bad.  But God gives us the power and the Word to help us help others find their way to heaven.

Our Past, Present, and Future

Paul Yoder - Sunday AM December 31, 2017The Elders discuss the past, present, and future of the congregation in Camp Hill.

The Gift

Isaiah Krause - Saturday AM December 30, 2017Isaiah Krause describes the wonderful Gift that God provided for us, the implications of that Gift, and how we ought to care for that Gift.

How Well is Your Smell

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM December 17, 2017Are you a sweet aroma to God?  Are you as the smell of death to the worldly?  Take a look at God's perspective about how Christians ought to smell. 

Are You a Mary or a Martha?

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM December 10, 2017Are you so busy that you forget to choose 'the most important thing?'  Are you seeking a healthy balance of being busy and prayerful in your life?  Who will you relate to - Mary or Martha?

Choices We Cannot Make

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM December 3, 2017Isaiah Krause reminds us of the life choices that we cannot make if we want to enjoy everlasting life with the Lord.

The Power of Voices

Tim Williams - Sunday AM November 26, 2017Tim Williams discusses why the church uses only a capella music and what a beautiful gift it can be to God and to each other.

The Authority of Scripture

Craig Buck - Friday AM November 24, 2017Craig Buck exhorts us to study the authority of scripture and find what we need to know for salvation.

Ghana Presentation

Don Pownell - Sunday AM November 12, 2017Don Pownell gives an update on the work in Ghana - what has been accomplished so far and our future goals there.

Exhortation to be Holy

Paul Yoder - Sunday AM November 5, 2017Paul Yoder discusses how we ought to have holiness in our lives to set us apart from and be a shining light to the world.

Are You Ready?

Eddie Jr. Wright - Sunday AM October 22, 2017Eddie Wright Jr. reminds us what is most important in life and the consequences of forgetting.

The Importance of Bible Study

Dennis Weber - Sunday AM October 15, 2017Dennis Weber illustrates the importance of personal Bible study so that one may accurately reach out to the lost with the truth.

Love and Respect

Doug Zimmerman - Sunday AM October 8, 2017Doug Zimmerman talks this morning about the love husbands must have for their wives in order for the wives to respect their husbands.  Jesus is the perfect example of this love & respect for His church.

The Power of Forgiveness

Tim Williams - Sunday AM October 1, 2017Tim Williams waxes on The Power of Forgiveness and what a powerful tool it can be in reaching the world with the gospel.

I Desire Mercy

Sunday AM September 24, 2017Tim Williams II speaks of using God's mercy to be a shining light in the world.

Be the Aroma of Christ

Steve Cantrell - Sunday AM September 17, 2017Steve Cantrell talks about how we must become the aroma of Christ to the world and how we must dwell on good things to remain focused and have that peace from God that transcends all understading.

The Christian and Addiction

Russell Pierce - Sunday AM September 10, 2017Russell Pierce talks about the temptation of addiction in the church family and how we can offer hope to those members.

Are You in Christ?

Mike Reeves - Sunday AM September 3, 2017Have you made a commitment to Christ?  If you have, are you still in Him?  Let's look at what the scriptures say about being in covenant with Him.

Be Joyful!

Kevin Shaw - Sunday AM August 27, 2017Kevin Shaw speaks about the inner joy we can have with Christ in our lives in the midst of many trials and a 'crooked and perverse generation.'

Our Relationships in Heaven

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 20, 2017This morning's class centers around many questions people ask about heaven and our relationships there.  It is doubts regarding these relationships that sometimes prevent people from wanting baptism as they view heaven with worldly vision.

The Lordship of Jesus

Isaiah Krause - Sunday AM August 20, 2017Isaiah Krause examines the use of the word "Lord" in biblical days and what great significance it has for us today.


Sunday AM August 13, 2017Mike Green discusses the importance of Togetherness and Unity in the body of Christ and how we need one another to reach our common goal of heaven.

Bible Class with Mike Green

Sunday AM August 13, 2017Mike Green exhorts on the importance of wisdom and the knowledge of God's Word.

Protecting Life with Truth

Nate Curtis - Sunday AM August 6, 2017Nate Curtis discusses the blessing of children through the eyes of God, the abuse of innocent life in the U.S. today, and how to join God in preserving life with the truth.

The Place Prepared

Charli Yana - Sunday AM July 23, 2017Charli Yana leads a riveting and encouraging message about a place prepared for God's church.

What's Most Important?

Alan Garner - Wednesday AM July 19, 2017Alan Garner encourages us to focus on What’s most important - our relationship with God and how we reflect that relationship with those in need.

Where to Find Good Counsel

Tim Williams - Sunday AM July 9, 2017Everyone needs advice in their lives.  The Bible teaches that the wise person will seek out good counsel.  Tim Williams presents a lesson this morning on the importance of and where to find good counsel.

10 Reasons People Don't 'Warsh'

David Smith - Sunday AM July 2, 2017David Smith offers a light-hearted examination of 'why people don't warsh' compared with why they won't 'warship' with the church.

Are We Listening?

Dave Miller - Sunday AM June 25, 2017Dave Miller discusses hearing vs. listening and challenges us to really listen to what God is trying to teach us through life lessons.

How to Walk in Faith

Steve Cantrell - Sunday AM June 11, 2017Steve Cantrell talks about the difference between the faith of the world and a true faith that offers hope and a future in heaven.

Looking Forward to the Face of Jesus

Steve Cantrell - Sunday PM June 4, 2017Steve Cantrell addresses the high school graduates of 2017 and encourages them to make every day count towards eternity rather than storing up treasures on earth.

Missions & Ghana

Tim Williams - Sunday AM June 4, 2017Tim Williams discusses the history, importance, and future of the mission work in Ghana.

Are You a Memorial Stone?

Sunday AM May 21, 2017Timmy Williams II asks what memorials we have to remind us of God.  He then challenges and encourages us to be memorial stones for each other and those around us seeking God.

Behold Thy Mother

Jason Collett - Tuesday AM May 16, 2017Jason Collett expounds on the roles of mothers in our lives and the great responsibility God has placed upon them in raising up children in the faith.

Special Service Highlighting the Lord's Supper

Sunday AM April 30, 2017This special service highlights the Lord's Supper through prayer and song.

The Biblical Purpose of a Preacher/ Evangelist

Sunday AM April 23, 2017Jason Allen discusses the process of selecting a new Evangelist and offers a Biblical description of what a Preacher must be.


Timmy Williams - Sunday AM April 16, 2017Timmy Williams analyzes the relationship of teamwork among baseball players, likening it to how we as Christians, must strive to achieve perfection - but one which can only be obtained through teamwork within the church. 

Thy Word is Truth

Sunday AM April 2, 2017

Jesus our Foundation

Paul Yoder - Sunday AM March 26, 2017Paul's lesson asks you to inspect your faith foundation to see whether it is built upon the Rock of truth or some other foundation.  Can yours withstand the storms of life?

Faith and our Future

Tim Williams - Sunday AM March 5, 2017Tim Williams asks the congregation to examine our faith, know it, and stand firm in it - united - as we move forward.

Love (Doug's Final Sermon)

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 26, 2017This was Doug's first sermon preached ever and is his last one at Camp Hill.  It reminds us of 3 kinds of love: for each other, for God, and most importantly, His love for us.  He describes each 'love' through the eyes of his work at Camp Hill before heading off to the New Road church in Waco.

Crossing the Finish Line - Revelation

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 19, 2017As Doug Hamilton departs Camp Hill, we are about to take different paths in our marathon race to heaven.  However, he reminds us that we will finish together if we keep running to the finish line - no matter where we are.  Listen to these encouraging words against the backdrop of the Book of Revelation.

Burying the Hatchet

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM February 12, 2017The Church must be a people of the buried hatchet.  It is necessary for our relationship with Christ, His people, and the world.  Learn why and how to bury the hatchet tonight.

The Beautiful Bride

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 12, 2017We as a church are betrothed to Jesus, He is preparing a place for us, and one day He plans to present us spotless to His Father.  If you want to know the depths of Jesus' love for you, listen to the beautiful words He uses to describe you in this sermon.

The Least of the Work of the Evangelist

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 5, 2017This morning focuses on Advice to Men Who Will Fill the Pulpit.  Though it is the least of a Preacher's responsibility, it is no less an important role that must be taken seriously.  This lesson outlines the expectations the congregation should have for an Evangelist.

Doing the Work of an Evangelist Pt. 4

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 29, 2017The last part of this series covers the work of Equipping.  No accomplished professional achieves success without specialized training in their field and Christians are no different.  We must be constant students of the Word so that we can rightly divide it and share it with others.

Doing the Work of an Evangelist Pt. 3

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 22, 2017Today's sermon discusses the need for evangelism through Encouragement.  There are so many small, personal 'helper' ministry and visitation works that need to be carried on and grown.  Camp Hill ranks high in this Spiritual Gift!  Volunteer today or start such a ministry where you are.

Doing the Work of an Evangelist Pt. 2

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 15, 2017The second part of this series focuses on the need for Education.  A plea goes out for members to enlist as Mentors, Home Bible Study Facilitators, Leadership Development Coordinators, and those with the Spritiual Gift of Confrontation (Prophets) to help mold and shape the future of the congregation.

Five Signs of a False Teacher

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM January 8, 2017Paul warned the elders in Ephesus to be on guard for false teachers that would creep in from among them to try and lure them from the truth.  It happens even more so today.  This sermon offers 5 signs to look for in a false teacher.  Will you help be on guard?

Doing the Work of an Evangelist

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 8, 2017This series of lessons is called The Classifieds because of the ads that will be posted in the auditorium looking to bring in people to do the work of an evangelist.  Several current ministries will be highlighted.  If you feel a calling to work in that area or want to develop your Spiritual Gift in that area, sign up!

Seven Truths from the Book of Job

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 1, 2017Doug Hamilton presents the first in his series of 40 Family Books, poetically based on books of the Bible.  Then he derives 7 truths about Job that we can apply to our lives when faced with various trials.

What If Jesus Was Never Born?

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM December 25, 2016Many groups today are attempting to remove Jesus from existence - in schools, stores, history books - so, what if He'd never been born?  Let's walk back in time and see what life was like before His birth and then ask yourself, "Would I want to live in that world today?"

Eight Reasons Why People Don't Read Their Bible

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM December 18, 2016Since one cannot become a Christian without the words of this book, then it should be our goal to remove these obstacles when leading them to Christ.  Imagine if everyone you knew would read through the Bible just one time.  Wouldn't it change their lives?  You bet it would!

Understanding the Bible Pt. 2

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM December 18, 2016“But know first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God," says 2 Peter 1:20-21.  We'll look at 7 ways we can test the Bible for its authenticity and superiority.

The Vision of our Serving

Grant Deitch - Sunday AM December 11, 2016God has given us a vision of what we can become (Mt 5:48, Col. 1:28) and then instructs us in how to do it (Gal. 5:22-23).  Will you embrace His vision for your life?

Though He slay me, yet I will hope in Him.

Steve Cantrell - Sunday AM November 27, 2016Based on Job 13:15, Steve Cantrell delivers a powerful message this morning about staying faithful through all of our struggles, even unto death. NOTE:  The first part of the video sermon was cut off due to connection issues.

How We Got the Bible

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM November 20, 2016How do you know we can trust the Bible as God's Word?  The next eight lessons will help us answer many popular questions about the Bible, build our faith, and allow us to study more confidently throughout our lives.

Song and Praise Service

Sunday AM November 13, 2016

The 2016 Evangelistic Election Sermon

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM November 6, 2016While political division runs amuck in our country, we will see this morning that there is a place where there is no division, only peace and unity.  Won't you join us there today?

Friendship Evangelism

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 30, 2016We have a responsibility to share the Gospel with others.  What they choose to do with it is their responsibility.  Today we'll look at how we can reach out to our friends, reasoning with them, to come to an understanding of the Truth.

Celebration of Life for Dru Anavitarte

Thursday AM October 27, 2016"Charm is deceptive and beauty does not last but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised."  Proverbs 31:30  This verse describes our dear Dru.  Feb. 17, 1952 - Oct. 23, 2016

Trusting in Jesus

Paul Yoder - Sunday AM October 23, 2016Paul Yoder brings us a message about who we can trust during this Presidential Election season.

Packaging the Gospel for Delivery Pt. 4

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 16, 2016The Gospel message and His church may be 'after a pattern' but your presentation of the Gospel message doesn't have to be.  The delivery you choose will depend upon the recipient as well as the environment.  Find out how to do it, in today's sermon.

Guest Speaker Emmanuel Antwi

Don Pownell - Sunday AM October 9, 2016Don Pownell introduces guest speaker, Emmanuel Antwi from Ghana.

Embracing the Vision of Camp Hill Pt. 3

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 2, 2016Today we'll look at the various methods that Jesus used to get His message out and how we can change the METHOD without changing the MESSAGE.

Embracing the Vision: The Computerized Gospel

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 2, 2016Tonight we'll learn a method for evangelizing to our 'techie' friends - framing the Gospel in a language that will 'compute' with them.

What Are You Worth?

Larry Mackey - Sunday AM September 25, 2016Are you basing your worth on the world's standards or how God sees you?  Elder Larry Mackey shares some thoughts today that will change your perspective on your self-worth and remind you that you have a special purpose in the hands of the Master. *There is no video for today's sermon due to equipment issues.

Embracing the Vision of Camp Hill Pt. 2

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM September 18, 2016Today's sermon discusses an effective 5-part process for sharing the Gospel message with anyone. 

Embracing the Vision of Camp Hill

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM September 11, 2016We at Camp Hill have a vision statement of what we want to do in our community but just how do we put it into motion?  Today we discuss the plan that we need to make that vision a reality and how to work that plan.

Fourteen Years Pt. 2 - The Vision

Sunday AM September 4, 2016Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish…”  Will Camp Hill perish in 14 years?  What is our vision for the future?  This morning we'll discuss our options and tonight we'll detail how to achieve those goals.

What Part of the Body are You?

Grant Deitch - Thursday AM September 1, 2016Today Grant Deitch expounds upon 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 and how the members of the body are likened to the members of Christ's church.  We are all different but each have a special purpose, to be fitted together as God wills.

Fear God Only

Steve Cantrell - Monday AM August 22, 2016Steve Cantrell gives an impassioned plea to have a proper respect, awe, and fear of the Lord in order to gain the wisdom He wants us to have.

Fourteen Years

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 14, 2016Today we, like Paul, will take a look back at the past 14 years of the congregation through the eyes of a preacher and a look at the next 14 years together.  Part 1 starts today and Part 2 will be on September 4th.  Come join us!

The Christian's Joy

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 7, 2016It is obvious from 2 John 12 that the life of the Christian is to be filled with joy.  What is joy and why should the Christian be filled with it?

The Christian's Joy Pt. 2

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 7, 2016The Christian's Joy Pt. 2 - Joy Suckers What can try to rob a Christian of their joy in Christ and how to put a positive spin on those situations.

Immigration and Citizenship of Christ Pt. 2

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM July 31, 2016In this lesson we will cover the implications surrounding citizenship - our priveleges, rights, and responsibilities.

Special Service

Sunday AM July 24, 2016

Immigration and Citizenship of Christ Pt. 1

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM July 17, 2016We are covering this topic for 2 reasons:  To better understand how God feels about immigration and to better understand the relevance of our own citizenship in heaven.


Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM July 10, 2016Are traditions in the church good or bad?  Where do they come from?  Learn which were instituted for the church and which are from man, how to know the difference, and why we must be careful to worship in the way God desires us to.

Keeping the Discipleship Pt. 2

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM July 3, 2016Who did Jesus call to be disciples?  What must one know to be a disciple of the Lord?  Find out 3 more ways to fulfill the command of Christ in Part 2 of this lesson on Discipleship.  (See Lesson 1 for the notes for both sermons.)

To Be Courageous

Jason Collett - Sunday AM June 26, 2016Jason Collett brings a message this morning about what it means To Be Courageous:  A Message for Christian Fathers.  Will you accept the challenge God has put before you to be a courageous leader in your home, the church, and in the community?

Keeping the Discipleship Pt. 1

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM June 19, 2016Who did Jesus call to be disciples?  What must one know to be a disciple of the Lord?  Find out exactly how to fulfill the command of Christ in Part 1 of this lesson on Discipleship.

The Practices of Righteousness: Fasting

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM June 12, 2016How can you experience the many rewards God wants you to have through fasting?  What is the wrong way to fast?  Today we'll discuss Biblical examples that you can apply to your life to derive benefits and draw closer to God through this seldom used practice.

Being Connected Through Our Story

Darren Crowden - Sunday AM May 29, 2016How we connect through our personal stories and sharing our stories - our testimonies - with others and what a powerful impact it can have.

The Practices of Righteousness: Prayer (Pt. 2)

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM May 22, 2016We must put God in the proper perspective from the very beginning.  Now is time to cover the rest of the Pattern of Prayer and also the great Precaution of Prayer.

Destiny, Karma, & How Life Works

Tim Williams - Sunday AM May 15, 2016What is going to happen tomorrow?  Is your destiny determined and your fate decided? Will karma work in your favor or punish you?  Does everything happen for a purpose?  Does God orchestrate all or do we have free will?  We must take a Biblical approach to the subject in order to approach life properly.

The Practices of Righteousness: Prayer (Pt. 1)

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM May 8, 2016In part two we will cover the Pattern and the Precaution of Prayer.  What did Jesus teach about the pattern of prayer?  Together let us study and be more prepared as a prayerful people of God.

Faith, Facts, and Feelings

Doug Hamilton - Monday PM May 2, 2016Is your salvation based on faith, the facts of the Bible, or feelings?  Learn how to tell if you are 'factually saved' and what the difference is between having a 'feel good faith' and having a faith that is supported by and rooted in Biblical teachings.  The Bible says that we can KNOW that we are saved; that we can KNOW what is true or false teaching!  Do you KNOW how?

The Practices of Righteousness: Giving

Doug Hamilton - Monday AM May 2, 2016What kind of a giver does Jesus love?  Why do we give and what is the motive behind our giving?  Find out how to be effective in this area - willing to give and with a cheerful heart.

Persistence Pays Off

Sunday AM April 24, 2016This morning Charles Frampton explains why we need to have the faith and persistence like the Syrophoenician woman of Mark 7:24-30.


Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM April 17, 2016What happens when one of our partners in Christ is no longer a willing participant in His body?  Here we'll look at the Biblical steps of what should be called 're-fellowshipping', as its every intent is to keep a brother or sister from turning back to a world of sin.


Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM April 10, 2016In the next two lessons, we plan to cover the topics of Fellowship and Dis-fellowship.  Our fellowship with God is dependent on the love exhibited to our fellow Christians.  Participate in the fellowship principle for God by doing your part so God can do His part.


Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM April 3, 2016In any group there must be leaders and followers.  We shall discuss the roles of leadership in Christ's church, starting with the smallest group - the family unit, to the largest group - the assembly.  We will see that all Christians are all expected to have some role in leadership and how honoring our roles, honors our greatest leader, Jesus Himself.

The Implications of the Resurrection of Jesus

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM March 27, 2016Just what is the "good news" that we need to act upon for salvation?  Hint:  It has to do with the word 'resurrection.'  We are a "resurrection" people!  And that makes all the difference between living with HOPE and not having any.  Do you live with the hope of your resurrection?

Memorial Service for Ms. Anna Bower

Saturday AM March 26, 2016Today we honor Ms. Ann, servant, encourager, giver and dear friend.  She will be greatly missed.

Faith of a Child

Sunday AM March 20, 2016Jesus wants us to have a Childlike Faith, for it is Humble, Innocent and Trusting.  Today we honor Ms. Nora Mae Moore who demonstrating such a faith and blessed those who knew her. (There is no video recording available for this date.)

Be Ready to Give a Defense

Grant Deitch - Sunday AM March 13, 2016“But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.”   1 Peter 3:15

Sin and Righteousness

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM March 6, 2016In this lesson we will cover a dual topic, Sin and Righteousness, for they cannot be discussed independent from one another.  There is one Mediator for us between the two and His name is Jesus.  Will you let Him be your bridge to righteousness today?


Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 21, 2016This morning's topic is one we all struggle with.  Find out why we experience temptations and what we can do about it in order to glorify our Father.

5 Principles of a Gospel Presentation

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 14, 2016How do you know if what you are really preaching and teaching are the core principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ?  Here are five principles to keep you on track for your evangelistic efforts in reaching out to lost souls.

Worship focused on the Lord's Supper

Sunday AM February 7, 2016The worship service today is a heartfelt focus on the Lord's Supper through prayers, visuals, and songs.

The Afterlife (Part 2)

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 31, 2016Today we'll discuss the two sides to each of the three-dimensional realms.  One must decide for themselves which one they will ultimately end up in.  If we trust in and obey Jesus, He will take us home to be with Him in heaven.  1Thes. 4:16-17  What does your future look like?

The Afterlife (Part 1)

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 17, 2016It is a human tendency for us to contemplate what happens after we die.  In Part 1 we'll discuss our triune nature and the three dimensions present after death.  Come back in two weeks for a deeper study of the realms and the encouraging message of the Eternal Realm.


Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 10, 2016Today we'll discuss the pattern given to the early church for corporate worship.  The same pattern can be duplicated and identified in any place and in any time by Chrisitians everywhere so that God will be glorified by His people according to His instructions.

The Church

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 3, 2016Christ's church is unique in name, identity, autonomy, doctrine, and purpose.  Today we'll discuss who Christ's church is on a deeper level and how you can 'pick it out of a crowd' no matter where you go in the world.

The Holy Spirit

Sunday AM December 27, 2015Today we delve into the various functions of the Holy Spirit; how He works in our lives and gives us hope for the future.

The Christ

Sunday AM December 20, 2015Where do you start out with a sermon about Christ?  "The world itself could not contain the books that would be written about Him (John 21:25)."  Today we will condense Jesus’ life into three of the most important areas to remember.

The Godhead

Sunday AM December 13, 2015You've heard this term used to describe the tri-fold, divine nature of God; but what does it mean and how does each entity complete the ultimate plan for our salvation?  Find out the answers as we investigate 'The Godhead.'

The Godhead Pt. 2

Sunday AM December 13, 2015

The Gift of Giving

Sunday AM December 6, 2015

Song & Worship Service

Sunday AM November 29, 2015

The Devil

Sunday AM November 22, 2015

Angels and Demons Pt 2: Demons

Sunday AM November 15, 2015

Angels and Demons: Angels

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM November 8, 2015This is part 1 in a study of angels and demons.


Sunday AM November 1, 2015In order for us to have the unity God calls us to, we must all be able to agree on a standard of interpretation of His Word.  Today we'll look at how to approach "hermeneutics" and why it should be important to us.

The Coping Christian - Pt. 11

Sunday AM October 18, 2015What can we do to reverse the course of decline in America before we reach the point of no return?  The minority + God = the power to effect change.  How can we become modern-day Josiahs and save our nation?

The Coping Christian - Pt. 10

Sunday AM October 11, 2015We have forgotten our identity in Christ and sought out individualistic principles to make us the center of our universe.  We have neglected what made America great to begin with.  Can we change the course of our declining nation by simply "loving our neighbor"?

The Coping Christian - Pt. 9

Sunday AM October 4, 2015Today we'll look at the natural life cycle of nations and the consequences of turning your back on God through the decline of Israel and America.  Jesus forewarned of the destruction of Jerusalem in Mt 24:32–33 telling His followers to learn from theparable of the fig tree and recognize the signs.  The signs are again evident today.  Will you ignore them?

The Coping Christian - Pt. 8

Sunday AM September 27, 2015Today we will take a deeper look into the reasons why nations fall.  To properly assess this, we must first understand the differences between applied and natural consequences of behavior.  The strength of a nation lies in its shared societal values which will reap natural generational curses or blessings from God. What is America reaping and how can we correct it?

Fighting Mediocracy

Sunday AM September 20, 2015We are the people of God, saved by the blood of Jesus Christ and carrying the promise of eternal life in heaven.  We cannot strive for mediocracy because our Savior gave it all on the cross so that we might have hope.  We must not give up, but run the race which is set before us with endurance.

Worshipping from the Heart

Sunday AM September 13, 2015A simple first-century style worship service, "singing and making melody with the heart" in song, scripture, and communion. (Video file only)

The Coping Christian - Pt. 7

Sunday AM September 6, 2015Is American doomed to fall?  Nations come and go, and we'll look at some examples, but the Christian nation is here to stay!  We simply have to make sure that our citizenship is in heaven, a kingdom that will never fall.

It's a Matter of Perspective

Sunday AM August 30, 2015We often think of spiritual things from the viewpoint of what God has done for us.  But, have you ever considered how God looks at us?  What does the Lord see in us that He would send His Son to die for us?

Taking it to the Next Level

Sunday AM August 23, 2015Are you stuck in a rut when God has so much more planned for you to do and become?  Darren Crowden offers some practical advice and 7 steps for unpacking the emotional baggage that's keeping you from taking your faith to the next level.

The Coping Christian - Pt. 6

Sunday AM August 16, 2015This week as we continue our series we'll look at Historical Revisionism:  what it looks like and what we can do to stop it.

The Coping Christian - Pt. 5

Sunday AM August 9, 2015Whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap (Gal. 6:7). We cannot change the natural consequences of God when we deviate from His path, not as an individual nor as a nation.If we sow the wind, we will reap the whirlwind (Hosea 8:7).  Let us not make the mistakes of prior generations, but see others as God does - precious and equal.

The Coping Christian - Pt. 4

Sunday AM August 2, 2015The phrase “Separation of Church and State” is not found in our original documents, yet we find it mentioned among our people as if it were fact.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Today we'll examine how the success of our nation was dependant upon its religion and Biblical authority and find out how this myth got started.

The Coping Christian - Pt. 2

Sunday AM July 19, 2015Last week, we covered the original intent of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.  In lesson two, it is necessary to see that their principles (that we have a Creator and our rights are from Him alone) were intended to be carried out through the establishment of this nation.

The Coping Christian in One Nation Under Satan

Sunday AM July 12, 2015This series was put together to help Christians stay faithful, and functional in their faith, while our nation falls into moral disrepair.  Each lesson will focus on three areas: 1) To Educate Christians of their past history 2) To Encourage Christians for their present situation and 3) To Equip Christians in their future challenges.

The Seven Churches of Asia: Laodicea

Sunday AM July 5, 2015The church in Laodicea was the opposite of the church in Philadelphia.  They were 'lukewarm' in their loyalty to Christ and relied upon wealth and for self-worth.  This can easily happen today, therefore we must exhibit a zeal for Christ and lay up our treasures in heaven.

The Seven Churches of Asia: Philadelphia

Sunday AM June 28, 2015Philadelphia was the newest of the seven churches studied thus far, but it was a "key" location for the spread of the Gospel.  Because of their faithfulness and perseverance, God promised to protect them from persecution, "open doors" for them, and offered them the hope of an eternal prize.  They were the only church of the seven without a reprimand.  Find out how those Christians can be a role model for His church today.

What Your Christian Dad Really Wanted for Father's Day

Wednesday AM June 24, 2015Having trouble shopping for dad on Father's Day?  Find out what a Christian father really wants from his children, which coincidentally, is exactly what our heavenly Father wants from us as well.

The Seven Churches of Asia: Sardis

Sunday AM June 14, 2015We must seek to put something into our worship service before we can expect to take something out of it.  We must avoid ever becoming a “graveyard dead” church family like the one in Sardis which benefits no one and renders us useless to God as well.

The Seven Churches of Asia: Thyatira

Sunday AM June 7, 2015The Lord had much praise for the good works being done in Thyatira.  His warning was in regards to the things that they tolerated.  When it comes to sin, Jesus did not tolerate it and neither should His church.

The Seven Churches of Asia: Pergamum

Sunday AM May 31, 2015Pergamum held the seat of power and was the administrative city of Asia.  It had the potential to be a great testament to the Lord, however they tolerated false teachers that drew some away from the truth.  God warns them of the cost if they do not repent quickly and leaves them with an undeniable promise.

The Seven Churches of Asia: Smyrna

Sunday AM May 24, 2015The Lord had a message for His church in Smyrna and He asks the same of His church here today:  be faithful unto death.  He warns of the upcoming tribulation and helps them focus on the eternal reward - given to all who remain faithful regardless of what happens in this life.  Jesus will see to it that all Christians are taken care of.


Tim Williams - Sunday AM May 17, 2015Tim Williams discusses what a close and personal relationship with Jesus looks like and how to attain it.

The Seven Churches of Asia: Ephesus

Monday AM May 11, 2015The church at Ephesus had done a lot of good deeds, however they were admonished that they had lost their first love.  We also must make sure that we never lose the “first love” factor in our Christian lives.  We must remind others in the church, and be reminded ourselves, to repent and live the way God has called for us to do - with love.

Patmos and the Seven Churches of Asia

Sunday AM May 3, 2015The purpose of this series is to learn eight applicable lessons from the locations described in Revelation 1:9-11.  They are:  Patmos, Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.  Today we'll learn how the first-century church was able to  spread the word in a hostile environment and how we can do the same.

Greece Mission Presentation 1

Monday AM April 27, 2015Learn about the recent mission trip to Greece and the 7 churches of Asia where Paul traveled.

2015 Lads to Leaders Sermon

Sunday AM April 19, 2015It takes a parent to raise a child in the spiritual ways of God.  It takes a congregation to help these parents to do their job.  See how the Camp Hill family plans to use Lads to Leaders as a tool for raising our next generation of Christian leaders and how you can be part of it.

"Why is Doug Hamilton Really Happy to be Home?"

Sunday AM April 12, 2015Doug presents 4 stages involved in completing a mission trip and the 3 reasons he's glad to be home.  We must live our lives in such a way that when we are apart from our spiritual family we can feel the loss.  We should rejoice together & enjoy one another in our earthly home, knowing that one day we will be together forever in our spiritual home.

Ghana Helping Hands Project

Don Pownell - Sunday AM March 29, 2015Don Pownell brings a message and progress update today about the Helping Hands Project in Ghana.  Learn about this worthy mission field that you can take part in.

A Message of Hope

Sunday AM March 22, 2015What does hope looks like, where does it come from, and most importantly, where can we get it?  Darren Crowden speaks to us this morning about the importance of HOPE in our lives. 


Tim Williams - Sunday AM March 15, 2015We'll look at which relationships we should evaluate and why in order to attain joy in the body of Christ.

The Christian Response to Islamic Persecution

Sunday AM March 8, 2015What do we do as Christians when dealing with all of the Islamic persecution against Christians throughout the world?  This lesson helps us to have a better understanding of the world events, the origins of the unrest, and how we are to respond to them as Christians.

Romans Pt. 20 - The Final Instruction and Farewell to the Roman Church

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM March 1, 2015We have reached the end of our journey through the letter to the Roman church. Paul was able to successfully address the strife between the Jewish and Gentile converts and with those teachings in their possession, he provided some parting advice. There were three bits of sound wisdom imparted which can serve us well in the church today.

Romans Pt. 19 - A Biography of a Church Family

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 15, 2015What was the Roman church like in the first century?  They were a diverse group of active Christians, seeking to make a difference for the cause of Christ. There were missionaries from various backgrounds, couples, singles, Jewish and Gentile converts, men and women, rich and poor, and everyone in-between.  So different from each other, yet united in Christ.  This morning we'll meet some of those early Christians and learn how we can fit together into Christ's church.

Romans Pt. 18 - What Does It Mean to Accept One Another?

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 8, 2015In the closing section of the book of Romans, Paul offered the Christians some parting advice.  He said in Romans 15:7, “Therefore, accept one another, just as Christ also accepted us to the glory of God.”  This has to be one of the greatest tests for a  Christian because we all come from so many different backgrounds and are so different in many ways.  We'll examine five areas that Paul gives us to focus on that will help. 

Romans Pt. 17 - The Marks of True Christianity

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 1, 2015Being a Christian is more than simply making a statement and wearing a cross necklace.  It is more that attending church on Sunday mornings. Being a Christian carries with it six distinguishing marks or traits which can be easily identified.  We find these characteristics in Romans 15:1-6 and we'll review them this morning.

Romans Pt. 16 - Putting Personal Relationships Ahead of Personal Traditions

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 25, 2015Can we dishonor God by becoming a stumbling block to our brother?  God will judge each of us individually for our deeds in this area of our life. We must make our best attempts to not let our personal traditions come before your brother’s personal relationship with God.  Instead, strive to become a peacemaker for the congregation and God will always be pleased.

Romans Pt. 15 - Loving Your Neighbor

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 18, 2015The principle, “love your neighbor as yourself”, is found throughout the New Testament.  Jesus explicitly taught that our relationship with our fellow man can influence our outcome with God, inhibiting our prayers and our forgiveness.  Loving ourselves means that we need to be right with God on a daily basis in order to fully love our brethren in the way that God loves us.  If we value our own souls, we can truly value the souls of others.

Romans Pt. 14 - The Civil Relationship of the Christian

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 11, 2015All Christians must resist a “loving relationship” with the world, for it will all be gone someday.  In the end, the only thing that matters is whether or not we are right with God.  Today we'll look at 3 ways we can be 'in' the world without being 'of' the world.

The Camp Hill Vision Pt. 4 - Good Works: Service to Christ

Sunday AM January 4, 2015 In this last lesson, we will cover a topic that is extremely vital to our vision - Good Works. There must be a demonstration of Service to Christ in every church’s vision. Without it, we are nothing more than a “Christian” in name only. That is not what Jesus wants in our lives. 

Life Group 2015 Kickoff

Sunday AM January 4, 2015The kickoff for the Life Groups of 2015 happened on Sunday evening, 1/4/15.  If you missed it, please be sure to check out the details here, and get involved in your group today!

The Camp Hill Vision Pt. 3b - Education Towards Christ

Sunday AM December 28, 2014Today we will be covering in a little more detail the six primary benefits of the smallgrouphome Bible studies. The purpose for spending another lesson on the subject is to generatean even greater interest and greater participation in the program. What are the six benefits tosmall-group home Bible studies?

The Camp Hill Vision Pt. 3 - Education Towards Christ

Sunday AM December 21, 2014The focus of this lesson is Bible Study, and the aim is to generate a spirit of wanting to learn more about God’s word and applying it to our lives.  Specifically, we will examine it from the perspective of the early church, through small-group, home Bible studies.

The Camp Hill Vision Pt. 2 - Life Groups

Sunday AM December 14, 2014This week we learn how to better fellowship with Christ through our fellowship with the saints.  One way Camp Hill has chosen to do this is through Life Groups.  What impact can Life Groups have for the congregation and for the community?  We examine their purpose and importance today.

The Camp Hill Vision Pt. 1 - Discipline

Sunday AM December 7, 2014A congregation of God’s people must look to the future and determine what course they will follow to arrive at the correct destination in the end.  A "vision statement" outlines the direction and destination for the congregation.  It is what we are about.  A few years ago, we made a vision statement for our congregation, one that wisely aligned with God's plan for His people.  Over the next 4 weeks, we will cover 4 steps to attaining that vision. 

'Thanks' is an Attitude of Gratitude

Sunday AM November 30, 2014We are told in Col 3:17, “Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.”  We are also told in 1 Thes. 5:18, “…in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.” Paul is telling the Christian that they are to have an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE.  How does one develop an attitude of gratitude?   How does one really be thankful?

Greetings from Greece

Sunday AM November 23, 2014Brother Beni Leka from Greece visits this morning to tell his own unique story of how he went from being an Albanian atheist to serving as both a missionary in Athens and a Dean to the Athens International Bible Institute.

Romans Pt. 13 The Essence of Christian Service

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM November 16, 2014We are called to be a “living and holy sacrifice” to God, but how do we do this?  Today we'll look at three ways the Apostle Paul shows how we can indeed be transformed into a daily sacrifice for the Lord.

Romans Pt. 12 Six Principles of Successful Evangelism

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM November 9, 2014In our zeal to spread God's word sometimes we feel so alone.  Rest assured, we are not alone in feeling alone, many of the prophets felt the same way.  Today we'll examine six important principles for successful evangelism.

Romans Pt. 11 Being Sincere Versus Being Sincerely Wrong!

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM November 2, 2014Paul recognizes the zeal in the hearts of his fellow Jews, but said that their zeal was "not in accordance with knowledge."  Without the proper knowledge, their zeal was both misguided and invalidated.  Today, we'll examine how we can know for certain if we're being sincere in our faith or sincerely wrong.

Romans Pt. 10 Being Willing to Teach Justification by Faith

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 26, 2014Paul reminds the Jewish Christian converts at Rome that the Old Covenant and the Law had been made void through Jesus.  He was carrying out the delicate process of whittling away at their former covenant and helping them understand what role the Law played.  This led to a very important question.  What about all those promises that God made to Israel from the Old Testament?  During the next three chapters, 9-11, we will journey with Paul as he provides the answers to that question using many Old Testament scriptures.

Romans Pt. 9 Our Assurance of Being Justified by Faith

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 19, 2014Paul said, "Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."  But the promise comes with conditions that must be met in order for the Spirit to assure us of this victory in Jesus.  Today we'll discuss those conditions and how we can have confidence in our salvation.

Romans Pt. 8 The Struggle of the One Who is Justified by Faith

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 12, 2014Paul uses the example of an earthly marriage to explain the relationship between the old Law, given to the Jews, and the new covenant that will bring about unity among the various members of the church - the Jews, the Gentile and everything in-between.

Romans Pt. 7b: Yes, God is serious about his covenant!

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 5, 2014God is serious about the specifics of His word concerning His covenant for the New Testament. He told us how to become a covenant Christian of God.  Did you seriously take Him up on the offer?

Romans Pt. 7 When Do We Have Justification by Faith?

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM September 28, 2014Justification by faith is the primary theme of the first half of Romans. It is thedetermining factor of whether we go be with God for an eternity in heaven.  In Chapter 6, we learn at what point we obtain justification by faith.

Memorial Service for Branka Bulatovich

Saturday AM September 27, 2014Memorial Service for Branka Bulatovich

Weirdos for Christ

Sunday AM September 21, 2014Paul wrote to the Corinthian Christians in 1 Cor. 4:10-13, "We are fools for Christ’s sake..." He communicated to them that in the eyes of the world the apostles had chosen a hard life for the cause of Christ instead of the comfortable existence in the presence evil age.  We have a similar word in our modern day vocabulary called weirdo.  We are "Weirdos in Christ" and proud of it.  Find out how you can stand out from the world too and become a 'weirdo for Christ.'

Romans Pt. 6 The Results of Justification by Faith

Sunday AM September 14, 2014As a result of being justified by faith, we have ACCESS to God in many ways.  We'll examine six benefits of the Christian as outlined by the Apostle Paul.

Romans Pt. 5 Three Proofs It Is Justification By Faith

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM September 7, 2014Paul's arguement in Romans uses two well-known pillars of the Jewish faith to establish the fact that justification came through internal faith and not on the external factors they relied upon.  Today we can be found guilty of the same false reasoning, unless we apply these three truths to our lives.

Romans Pt. 4 Three Facts About Sinners

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 31, 2014Chapter 3 of Romans teaches us that "all fall short" as sinners - both the Jews and the Gentiles - "there is none righteous, there is not even one."  Paul lays out the plain facts that neither group can be saved by faith only or by works only.  Doug points out 3 related dangers that can befall Christians in regards to sin and how we can avoid them.

"Things I'm Thankful For"

Grant Deitch - Sunday AM August 24, 2014Grant Deitch shares his personal experience with Jesus, the church, and what he's most thankful for.

"I have enough Jesus. Don't you?"

Sunday AM August 17, 2014Do you ever feel like your life is pretty full and you have enough Jesus?  You just don't have room for any more Jesus in your life.  The truth is, that when you get to know Jesus better, you'll come to realize that you'll always need MORE Jesus in your life - you can never really have enough!

Romans Pt. 3 What Are You Trusting In?

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 10, 2014The Jews trusted in their lineage; the Greeks, their works.  Come listen to Paul's argument that we cannot trust in either; but that we need to become one with Jesus and boast only in Him crucified.

Romans Pt. 2 Understanding the Wrath of God

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 3, 2014It is our job to spread the message of Christ to be effective in the spiritual war which is around us.  In the end, the only thing that matters is if we are a citizen of heaven or part of the dying world receiving the wrath of God.  We will look at 3 stages of His wrath and learn how to avoid them so that we can assuredly enjoy the blessings of God throughout eternity.

Romans Pt. 1 Paul's Greeting to the Romans

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM July 27, 2014We will examine the Book of Romans, starting with the eloquent greeting from Paul.  We'll learn when, why, and about the people Paul's letter was written to.  See how much you can learn from just a few brief paragraphs about your life as a Christian and the excitement Paul had in sharing his faith with the church in Rome.

The Crooked and Perverse Generation Pt. 5

Sunday AM July 13, 2014What is truth?  Simply put, TRUTH is seeing things through God’s eyes and not the warped eyes of man.  Today we'll look at the Biblical view of truth vs. the world's view of truth and how we can apply it to our lives to shine in the world today.

The Crooked and Perverse Generation Pt. 4

Sunday AM July 6, 2014Every material blessing we have in this life is really not our own, but God’s. Understanding this and having God's perspective of our blessings can help us to become shining lights in the world.

The Crooked and Perverse Generation Pt. 3

Sunday AM June 29, 2014Today we'll compare and contrast the Biblical view of Marriage and Sex with the worldly view and see how we can use this knowledge to shine as lights among a Crooked and Perverse Generation.

The Crooked and Perverse Generation Pt 2

Sunday AM June 22, 2014The Christian is to value all human beings, for they all have a soul.  Today we will focus on three groups of people in particular that the Bible discusses and how we can shine as lights into the world.

The Crooked and Perverse Generation

Sunday AM June 15, 2014There is a way of God and the way of the crooked and perverse generation.  We must not confuse the two for they are as opposite as light is from darkness.  This series, “The Crooked and Perverse Generation,” focuses on the clash of the two different views.  In response, we have the responsibility to be lights among darkness.

Review of God's Love Story

Sunday AM June 8, 2014As you know, over the past forty weeks we have covered a series developed by our own congregation called God’s Love Story. We made our best attempt to cover the entire Bible throughout that time from the primary theme of the Bible, God’s love for us.  Here it is from the first week to the last.

GLS 40: Crossing the Finish Line of God's Love Story (Revelation)

Sunday AM June 1, 2014In our final week, we read the mail of the first-century Christians and see what is about to happen to that generation, how they were encouraged to stay strong during persecution, and how we can apply that to our modern-day lives.  It is a fascinating journey you won't want to miss.

GLS 39: Running with God's Love Story

Sunday AM May 25, 2014Hear the encouraging words written to the Hebrews who were being pulled away from their new found faith in Jesus.  Join us as we examine the former champions of the faith who ran as to win an everlasting crown.  Now is the time, this is the place and our lives are the race!  Learn how you too can shed your fears & doubt and run a strong race towards Jesus.

GLS 38: The Testing of God's Love Story

Sunday AM May 18, 2014Using the first chapter of the Book of James, we learn much about how God’s Love Story can be tested. James exposes nine strategies in order to hang onto to the hope of God when the trials of this life are pressing us.

GLS 37: The Love Story Cannot Be Bound

Sunday AM May 11, 2014The scripture states concerning Paul's house arrest in Acts 28:30 "And he stayed two full years in his own rented quarters and was welcoming all who came to him."  In this lesson we will examine the identification of some of these visitors and their relevance concerning the Prison Epistles.

GLS 36: God's Love Story Demands Good Leadership

Sunday AM May 4, 2014 In this passage at the closing of the Book of Acts, Luke recorded that Paul spent two years under house arrest in Rome where he sought to be evanagelistic.  What happens after his release is also intriguing.  Paul left that prison with a mindset to further the works of the kingdom. He knew his days were numbered and sought to put in place a God-ordained structure to keep the churches strong once the apostolic age was over. It is called an eldership.   

GLS 35: God's Love Story Always Needs Follow-up

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM April 27, 2014We need to make sure that we understand the gospel and why it is the Love Story of God for us today.  We also must follow-up with Christians to hold them in Christ until maturity.  Your actions today will more than likely assure that God’s Love Story will be strong in their lives tomorrow.

GLS 34: God's Love Story is Worldwide!

Sunday AM April 20, 2014There is a tendency for the Christian community to view their faith from a regional or national point of view.  God’s Love Story has always and will always be a worldwide perspective.  While Jesus was in His earthly ministry He communicated a worldwide love story and we must never forget it.

GLS 33: The Five Elements of God's Love Story of the Gospel

Sunday AM April 13, 2014God wants us to be evangelistic in our approach to the world. He wants us to share the blessed plan of salvation to as many souls as possible. If we want to have the best opportunity to share this message with power, then we must mirror these 5 elements of the very first gospel presentation.

GLS 32: God's Love Story in Three Words

Sunday AM April 6, 2014If you were to count every single word of the Bible, you would find 783,137 of them.  But there are three words from within all of the pages that will be focused upon in this lesson.  Let us examine the morning leading up to the resurrection of Jesus.  Three words that define us as Christians and changed the course of history forever.

GLS 31: Bread & Wine: Important Symbols of God's Love Story

Sunday AM March 30, 2014God has a Love Story and it all points to Jesus.  Particularly it refers to Jesus breaking His body in every way for us and in the blood atonement shed upon His cross.  This is what we commemorate every first day of the week when we are gathered together as His kingdom.

Guest Speaker from Ghana

Sunday PM March 23, 2014Ken Kesse surprises us with a visit and we surprise him by having him speak on Sunday night and share his experiences and how God's Love Story is alive and well in Ghana.

GLS 30: Our "God's Love Story" Responsibilities

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM March 23, 2014Reaching out to the needy with our RESOURCES and the GOSPEL is the one-two punch of evangelism. If we will just live up to our true responsibility as Christians in this life, then we will make a difference in the eternal lives of all involved. Go and live God’s Love Story!

GLS 29: God's Love Story is Clear, Right?

Sunday AM March 16, 2014 Jesus spent His entire earthly life communicating the message “GOD LOVES YOU”, but not everybody would accept this and many people just didn't 'get it.'  Sometime we allow our earthly perspective to cloud our view of His love for us.  But the truth is, He loves us endlessly and completely.

Continuing the Work in Ghana

Don Pownell - Sunday PM March 9, 2014Don discusses his recent trip to Ghana, the work started by Bob & Beth Williams, and future plans.

GLS 28: Jesus, The Master Teacher

Sunday AM March 9, 2014Emmitt Channell shows how Jesus was the One true Master and Teacher, what that meant to the early Christians, and what it means for us today.

GLS 27: The Launch of Love - Jesus' Public Ministry

Sunday AM March 2, 2014Ken Hoover guides us through the public ministry of Jesus, His miraculous works, and how they evidenced the arrival of the Messiah.

GLS 26: Birth of a Savior

Sunday AM February 23, 2014From the promise given in the Garden of Eden until now, God has used all things to prepare the way for the arrival of His Son, the perfect sacrifice, the One mediator, the promised one, Jesus Christ.  Come, watch the plan unfold.  And the angel said to her, "Don’t be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb, and give birth to a son, and will call his name 'Jesus.'" (Luke 1:30-31)

GLS 25: God Cares for Us - The Book of Esther

Sunday AM February 16, 2014Esther's account reveals the amazing hand of God working behind the scenes to save the bloodline of the coming Savior.  It is an inspiring chapter in God's Love Story that teaches us how and why to be brave in times of adversity.

GLS 24: Coming Home to Gods Love Story

Sunday AM February 9, 2014There are many in the kingdom of God who have tasted salvation, but walked away in their lack of commitment.  They believed for a while, but in time of temptation have fallen away (Luke 8:13). They have strayed from the truth (James 5:19) and have forgotten the love story of God.  Don’t lose heart!  Learn from Israel and Come Home to God’s Love Story!

GLS 23: He has a Timeless Love - The Book of Daniel

Sunday AM February 2, 2014The Book of Daniel demonstrates how God's love for us stands outside of time itself.  As we see Daniel connect the past with events 500 years in the future, we can know for sure that our God has a plan in motion that no one can deny or destroy.  He has a plan for you too in His timeless Love Story.

GLS 22: No Matter What, the Love Story is the Same - The Book of Micah

Sunday AM January 26, 2014 God is consistent and His Love Story is Consistent, persistent and constant. Once you experience God’s Love Story, nobody can take it away from you. One can give it up by giving up, but it cannot be taken away. 

GLS Pt 21: Gods Love Story of Mercy - The Book of Jonah

Sunday AM January 19, 2014God Love Story has always included mercy.  He wants to extend it and we need Him to extend it.  He also expects us to extend it to others.  Apply this lesson by living a merciful life to others and to God.

Foresight is 20/20

Sunday PM January 12, 2014

GLS Pt 20: Without Suffering and Patience There Would Be No Love Story

Sunday AM January 12, 2014 We in the Christian faith must understand that trials will come to us in this life. There are forces out in the world trying to pull us away from God and His love for us.  Learn how we, like Job, can overcome these trials by staying close to God.

GLS Pt 19: When God's Love Story Unravels

Sunday AM January 5, 2014Sometimes our behaviors can lead to predictable disaster in our lives.  This leads to an important question, "What are the signs when God’s Love Story is about to completely unravel in the lives of a people?"  A brief look at the demise of the Southern Kingdom of Judah will yield some important clues.

GLS Pt 18: Avoiding Division in Gods Love Story

Sunday AM December 29, 2013As repeatedly mentioned in the series, the primary common theme of the Bible is God's love.

GLS Pt 17: Take Care Lest Ye Fall From Gods Love Story

Sunday AM December 22, 2013There are many intriguing characters in the Bible, but none more than King Solomon.

GLS Pt 16: The Emotional Side of Gods Love Story

Sunday AM December 15, 2013The Book of Psalms addresses the emotional side of man more than any other writing in the Bible. It truly deals with the Emotional Side of God’s Love Story.

GLS Part 15: God's Love Story is Personal

Sunday AM December 8, 2013From Genesis to Revelation, we learn of the love that God has not only for His people, but the entire world. His love story is centered in a very personal relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. We will examine some of the ways that it is personal for us including our personal accountability toward God, personal sincerity to God, and the personal consequences from God.

GLS Part 14: The Mighty Man of Valor and God's Love Story

Sunday AM December 1, 2013Like David, Christians are called to be Mighty People of Valor that can take out any giants that come before us with the Mighty Power of the Blood of Jesus! If we will simply have this attitude in the name of our blessed Lord Jesus Christ, we will have the victory that God wants us to have against the giants that are before us.

God's Love Story (Pt 13) Saul - The Rejector of God's Love Story

Sunday AM November 24, 2013This chapter is one filled with rejection - Rejection of God as leader of His people, rejection of the king Israel had begged for, rejection of God's word - all of which had consequences.  Come and see first-hand as Saul walks you through his life in hopes that you'll learn from his mistakes.

God's Love Story (Pt 12) God's Love Story and Our Commitments to Others

Sunday AM November 17, 2013We live in a society that has forgotten the importance of commitment.  A brief look at the book of Ruth should bring things back into perspective.  The basis of all commitments we make to other people must be based in the fact that God committed to us first.  A Christian walk void of commitment is a “Ruth”less walk.

God's Love Story (Pt 11) God's Love Story of Rescue

Sunday AM November 10, 2013Are you feeling like a loser?  Are you not trusting that God will get you through that temptation?  Are you being persecuted?  Are you alienated from the world?  We will discuss six of the thirteen judges of Israel and through them you will clearly see the pattern of God's wonderful story of rescue for his people.

God's Love Story (Part 9) Reminding Ourselves of God's Love Story

Sunday AM October 27, 2013Make sure the word REMEMBER is applicable concerning your Past history with God, your Present obligations to God and your Future blessings of God.  Meditate on them and keep it fresh in your mind at all times.  If you do, then you will never let go of God's Love Story in your life.

God's Love Story (Part 8) Trust and God's Love Go Hand in Hand

Sunday AM October 20, 2013If you want to truly understand God's Love Story, then you will have to trust Him. Contentment is the greatest way we can trust God to carry us through to the end. Trust and Obey, for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

God's Love Story (Part 7): Restoring God's Love When It is Broken

Sunday AM October 13, 2013What is the opposite of Love? Some might say hate, but in terms of God's Love Story it would be Sin. This is because sin is the obstacle we put in the way of God's love, going contrary to His will for our lives.  This includes sin against our brethren as well.  In this study we will cover the sacrificial system, how it restored a broken people to their God, and how Christ has reconciled us to God today.

God's Love Story (Part 6): Behold the Tabernacle Pattern of God's Love

Sunday AM October 6, 2013God wanted them to make a center of worship called the Tabernacle. It was to be portable, structured and God-centered. It is in this pattern that we learn a deeper meaning of who we are as a people, Who God is in our lives and what heaven is like for those who await it. Just like they were to "Behold the Pattern", we also are to do the same. It is a pattern of God's Love Story.

God's Love Story (Part 5): He has a Jealous Love

Sunday AM September 29, 2013Within the context of God's Love Story, we must understand that His love for us is undivided and that our love for Him must also be undivided. He does not want us trusting in our modern gods of money, fame, fortune, fitness, entertainment, political savvy or political correctness, but in Him only. We must strive to have a jealous love for Him, loving Him with all our heart, soul and mind (Mt 22:37). Only then can we truly understand God's Love Story.

God's Love Story (Part 4): Willing to See God Through Big Picture

Sunday AM September 22, 2013God's Love Story must be viewed as the overall Big Picture. He loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son (John 3:16). We must never forget that our lives in this realm are but one chapter of a greater theme overall.  Genesis Chapters 37-50

God's Love Story (Part 3) - The Nature of a Promise

Sunday AM September 15, 2013There are many who know the promises of God from the Bible.  However, do they know the nature of a promise?

God's Love Story (Part 2): Evidence

Sunday AM September 8, 2013There is a movement in this world today that likes to beat the drum of "God is not real" or "Where is the evidence that He is even there?" If we are ever going to understand God's Love Story, then we must know that God is not hiding from us, for His evidence is abundant if we will only look.

God's Love Story (Intro): Introduction to the Series

Sunday AM September 1, 2013This is the introduction to the 40-week series on God's Love Story. If you have always wanted to go through the entire Bible, but have not yet done so, then we invite you on this adventure. In this lesson we will discuss seven reasons why the Bible is the book you should be reading.

Evangelism Series 2013 (Part 6): Dead Man Walking

Sunday AM August 25, 2013Studying John chapter 11, there is much to know about our evangelism.

Preserving the Unity of the Spirit

Sunday AM August 18, 2013Eph. 4:1-3

Part Five 2013 Evangelism Series: Samaritan Evangelism

Sunday AM August 11, 2013This is the fifth part of the 2013 Evangelism Series.

Part Four 2013 Evangelism Series: An Evangelist called Legion

Sunday AM August 4, 2013This is a continuation of the 2013 Evangelism Series.

Part Three 2013 Evangelism Series: The Woman with the Alabaster Jar

Sunday AM July 28, 2013This is part three of a series designed to generate an overwhelming obligation to share Christ with the people in our lives. We often neglect this part of Christianity in our lives. This series will help with that.

Part Two 2013 Evangelism Series: What does it take to be a real Fisher of Men?

Sunday AM July 21, 2013This is a series designed to generate an overwhelming obligation to share Christ with the people in our lives. We often neglect this part of Christianity in our lives. This series will help with that.

Part One 2013 Evangelism Series: The Woman at the Well

Sunday AM July 14, 2013This is a series designed to generate an overwhelming obligation to share Christ with the people in our lives. We often neglect this part of Christianity in our lives. This series will help with that.

The Original Man of Steel

Sunday PM July 7, 2013There are many comparisons which can be made between Superman and Jesus. In light of the the new movie that is in the theaters, let us take the liberty to do that at this time.

2013 Independence Day Sermon

Sunday AM July 7, 2013America is becoming more and more ignorant of our national heritage. In this lesson we will go back in time to examine our independence roots in an effort to re-discover our dependence roots on God.

He's Always Watching

Sunday AM June 30, 2013Much information has come out about the NSA spying on American citizens. Naturally this has upset many in the nation. This lesson talks about God's surveillance system that dwarfs that of the NSA.

Intro to God's Love Story

Sunday AM June 23, 2013Following the Great Commission to "GO and make disciples of all nations," Camp Hill launches a new evangelism tool for sharing God's Word with the community and the world. Brian Dowler explains the program and how it can be used by any congregation. Brian's presentation begins at the 1-hour 36-min mark. (1:36:00)

Holy Matrimony or Government Sanctioned Marriage?

Sunday AM June 16, 2013The US Supreme Court will issue and edict this month on the Defense of Marriage Act, possibly paving the way for Gay Marriage throughout the land. This sermon is addressing that.

Preparing for Shipwreck (Part 2)

Sunday PM June 9, 2013There are many shipwrecks that will come in the lives of Christians. Examining Acts 27, we will apply five principles for dealing with disaster when it comes our way.

Preparing for Shipwreck (Part 1)

Sunday AM June 9, 2013There are many shipwrecks that will come in the lives of Christians. Examining Acts 27, we will apply five principles for dealing with disaster when it comes our way.

Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? (Part 2)

Sunday PM June 2, 2013This is the second lessons of the series more specifically dealing with the reasons spelled out in scripture.

Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? (Part 1)

Sunday AM June 2, 2013This is one of the big questions in the life of the Christian. In part one we will cover some of the preliminary clarifications to better answer this. In lesson two we will cover the various reasons why it is so. In the end, no one person has all the answers, but this will be a good start.

Philippians: Lesson 10: The Logistics of the Christian Soldier

Sunday AM May 26, 2013We tend to focus on the front line of the battle. but it is really the supply line that makes the greatest difference of all. Phil 4:10-23

Philippians: Lesson Nine -The Surrender of the Christian Soldier

Sunday AM May 19, 2013Surrendering in battle can be humiliating. Surrendering for the right reasons is humility. Phil 4:1-9

2013 Mother's Day: Four Mothers and the Biblical Implications

Sunday AM May 12, 2013Recently in Cleveland, Ohio there was revealed a horrific crime that changes the lives of many, including four mothers. This lesson is current events with biblical implications in light of it.

The Christian Soldier's Ultimate Victory

Sunday AM May 5, 2013Philippians 3:10-21. As Christians, we constantly fight battles every day. We win some and we lose some. Paul enlightens us in the text how to have strength in the battles through keeping the ultimate victory of the Christian soldier in mind.

Philippians: Lesson Six - Protecting the Morale of the Soldiers

Sunday AM April 28, 2013Phil 3:1-11. This is a continuation of the military themed series through the book of Philippians.

From Myth to Savior (Part 3)

Sunday PM April 21, 2013Continuation from lesson #2 of the series. This is a reflection of the resurrection of Jesus from the historical writings of Luke concerning the life-change of Paul.

The Cross

Sunday AM April 14, 2013

From Myth to Savior (Part 2)

Sunday PM April 7, 2013Continued from lesson one. The purpose of this lesson is not only bolster the faith of the believer in Christ, but to better equip Christians to take the doubters from the Jesus of mythology to the same being Savior of the world.

From Myth to Savior (Part 1)

Sunday AM April 7, 2013The purpose of this lesson is not only bolster the faith of the believer in Christ, but to better equip Christians to take the doubters from the Jesus of mythology to the same being Savior of the world.

The Crucifixion Through the Eyes of Jesus

Sunday AM March 31, 2013We tend to view the death, burial and resurrection through our eyes, but in this lesson we will view "The Crucifixion Through Jesus' Eyes".

Philippians: Lesson Five - Being a Godly Example to Others

Sunday AM March 24, 2013In the chains of command, it is important to have godly examples modeled for us. In this text we find two more good examples that every Christian can follow.

Philippians -The Mindset of the Battlefield

Sunday AM March 17, 2013In this text the apostle Paul will cover the three simple and effective mindsets that every soldier of Christ must have under his helmet.

Your Life's Story

Sunday AM March 10, 2013

Philippians: Lesson Four - Being a Good Soldier of Christ

Sunday AM March 3, 2013Paul mentions three things that every good soldier of Christ needs.

Philippians: Lesson Three -The Progress of the Gospel

Sunday AM February 24, 2013Sometimes we have to take the time to remove all those obstacles from hindering our faith. Paul wants to encourage us to do so in this lesson.

Philippians: Lesson Two - The Encouraging Start of an Encouraging Letter

Sunday AM February 17, 2013There is much to be learned for our Christian interactions in the opening nine verses of Philippians. Are we as friendly as we think we are?

Philippians: Lesson One - Introduction

Sunday AM February 10, 2013This is the first lesson in the series on Philippians. We will take a close look at the history of the church in Philippi and make application.

When Communication Breaks Down

Sunday AM February 3, 2013When Communication Breaks Down

Christian Communication Part 2

Sunday AM January 20, 2013What is the purpose of Christian communication and how do we carry this out?

Christian Communication Part 1

Sunday PM January 13, 2013Becoming a Christian does not make us perfect, but forgiven. At the point of baptism we are cleansed of our sins, but there can still remain a failure to communicate.

The Benefits of a Great Church Family

Sunday AM January 6, 2013What typically determines the success of participation of each of these organizations? It is the level of benefits offered by a group that will largely determine the ability to recruit newcomers. Fewer benefits will make it a tough sell to others; Many meaningful benefits make it an easy sell. I would like to make my first sermon of 2013 with the focused title The Benefits of a Great Church Family.

Death of a Nation part 5

Sunday AM December 30, 2012We are at the close of the five-part series The Death of a Nation. According to the Bible, we know that all nations will die. We know that the life-span of a nation is tied to the natural blessings in adapting God's principles to that government and people. We know the nation goes the path of narcissism that the end is near. We also learned that there is a patterned life-cycle of these nations. With all that in mind we must ask a most important question...What can we really do about it?

Death of a Nation part 4

Sunday AM December 23, 2012This lesson provides a more detailed list of the life-cycle of nations and where the United States presently stands.

Death of a Nation part 3

Sunday AM December 16, 2012What do nations look like before they fall?

Death of a Nation part 2

Sunday AM December 2, 2012How do nations fall? In this lesson we wil examine falling nation's responsibility in their demise.

The 2012 Camp Hill Sermon of Thanks

Sunday AM November 25, 2012What is Camp Hill Church of Christ thankful for. The results of the survey.

The Death of a Nation part 1

Sunday AM November 11, 2012Are you a little sad about the state of the nation? Perhaps the last election cycle has you down? This series is for you so as to better understand where it fits into he big picture.

The Death of a Nation part 1

Sunday AM November 11, 2012Are you a little sad about the state of the nation? Perhaps the last election cycle has you down? This series is for you so as to better understand where it fits into the big picture.

One Person Can Make All the Difference

Sunday AM November 4, 2012Deep down inside, we all want to make a difference in the lives of many, but fail to do so. This lesson focuses on being able to change this. One person can make all the difference in the end. Will that person be you?

The Growing Christian

Sunday AM October 28, 2012In what areas does a Christian grow? Looking at the life of Jesus in Luke 2:52, we will find out.

The Voting Christian Conscience

Sunday AM October 21, 2012What are some of the factors that the Christian should use in choosing a President?

Reaching Secular America part 2

Sunday PM October 14, 2012The strategy.

Reaching Secular America part 1

Sunday AM October 14, 2012Identifying our problem.

First Corinthians 16:5-24 The Strong Church

Sunday PM October 7, 2012Lessons to learn concerning a strong church from the closing of Paul's first letter to the Corinthians.

1 Corinthians 16:1-4 The Strong Investment

Sunday AM October 7, 2012It is in this collection of funds, the offering, that we will focus on in this lesson. Paul already said that he was consistent in his teachings throughout the churches of Christ, for what he taught in one church was the same for all the churches of Christ (1 Cor 4:17 ...just as I teach everywhere in every church.)

1 Corinthians 15:35-ff The Resurrected Body

Sunday AM September 23, 2012Paul poses two questions in 1 Corinthians 15:35 ?How are the dead raised? And with what kind of body do they come?? These are two great questions that every Christian should contemplate. It would be wise to use not only this text from 1 Corinthians 15, but the many others from the whole Bible to answer it.

Eternal Security???

Sunday AM September 16, 2012We can have confidence in our salvation, confidence in our God and confidence in our Savior! Just keep pressing on to the mark of the prize of the upward call which is in Christ Jesus.

1 Corinthians 15:20-34 The Big Effect of Jesus Resurrection

Sunday AM September 9, 2012In the last lesson we focused on the Big Message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the message of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus from the dead. In this section of chapter fifteen we will learn some of the deeper implications of Jesus' resurrection. There are three important thoughts up for discussion.

1 Corinthians 15:1-19 The Big Message: Speaking in Tongues

Sunday AM September 2, 2012As Paul states in Titus 1:2 that we are the people the hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promised long ages ago. WE ARE THE PEOPLE OF THE OF THE HOPE OF THE RESURRECTION!

1 Corinthians 14:1-20 The Big Controversy: Speaking in Tongues

Sunday AM August 26, 2012There are some in the charismatic world teaching that Christians are able to speak in secret unknown tongues unto God. What does the Bible say? We shall see.

1 Corinthians 13:1-13 The Big Virtue: Love

Sunday PM August 5, 2012In the last verse of chapter 12, Paul said And I show you a still more excellent way. That excellent way turns out to be the greatest command, LOVE.

1 Corinthians 12:12-31 The Big Attitude: Oneness in Christ

Sunday AM August 5, 2012The Corinthian Christians had a problem of divisiveness and Paul aimed to deal with it in ways that they could relate to. When becoming a Christian, we tend to hang onto our more independent nature that we had prior. We are apt to focus on our own identity first and then the group. That is not the attitude we are to have.

1 Corinthians 12:1-11 -The Big Hoax

Sunday AM July 29, 2012There is a faction called the Charismatic Movement. Their leaders teach that the miracles which occurred in the first-century are still in place today. This lesson will test that theory.

1 Corinthians 11:17-34 -The Big Point of Unification

Sunday AM July 22, 2012There has always been division in the church, for it is made up of humans. The Corinthians struggled with the same and Paul aimed to deal with it through education of the Lord's Supper.

1 Corinthians 11:2-16 -The Big Display

Sunday AM July 15, 2012How we present ourselves among the world says quite a bit on who we are inside the church family. Examining the text of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16, we will learn more about this.

1 Corinthians 10:1-11:1 -The Big Grumblingblock

Sunday PM July 1, 2012How we act in our liberalities can not only be a stumbling block to weaker Christians and Humbling Blocks to older Christians, but also Grumbling Blocks for all Christians. The text for the sermon is 1 Corinthians 10.

1 Corinthians 9: The Big Humbling Block

Sunday AM July 1, 2012In the last lesson Paul dealt with with the fact that some of the Corinthians had placed a stumbling block before the weaker brethren. In this chapter he will place a Big Humbling Block before them so as to bring things into perspective.

1 Corinthians 8: The Big Stumbling Block

Sunday AM June 24, 2012This is a look at 1 Corinthians chapter 8 and how things we do in the church family can lead to great stumbling blocks. We all have some sort of idolatry that needs our attention.

1 Corinthians 7: The Big Fix

Sunday AM June 17, 2012With the great sin of fornication looming in the lives of every Christian, now is time to discuss the Big Fix called marriage.

1 Corinthians 6:12-20 The Big Understanding

Sunday AM June 10, 2012Paul was not yet finished with his discussion on fornication.

The Big Decisions: Settling Disputes

Sunday PM June 3, 2012This is part of the series on 1Corinthians. We will be covering the first half of chapter 6.

The Big Sin: Immorality

Sunday AM June 3, 2012This is part of the series on 1 Corinthians. We will be covering chapter five.

Adoption: The Greatest Demonstration of Our Commitment

Sunday AM May 20, 2012What do we really know about adoption concerning the Bible? You will now!

Five Great Mothers

Sunday AM May 13, 2012Five great mothers of the Bible with five great lessons for mothers to know.

Paul: The Strong Apostle

Sunday AM May 6, 20121 Corinthians Four: Six Reasons why you want to pay attention to the words of Paul.

Dealing with Division in the Church

Sunday AM April 29, 2012By examining 1 Cor 3, we will find four winning realizations to end division in the church.

2012 Spring Retreat

Sunday AM April 22, 2012This lesson not only defines a retreat through the eyes of the Bible, but also through the experience of the Camp Hill Church Family.

Dave Miller

Dave Miller - Sunday PM April 15, 2012

The Details of a Great Plan

Sunday AM April 15, 2012Studying the account of Nehemiah, we will better understand the details of a great plan.

A Study of Encouragement

Sunday PM April 8, 2012A Study of Encouragement.

Understanding Holy

Sunday AM April 8, 2012Understanding Holy

What the First-Century Christians Knew

Sunday AM April 1, 2012The aim of this lesson is to deal with the absolute points of knowledge of the first-century church that emerged from the shadow of the apostles. We live in a world that prides itself on divisive relativism. We in the church need to take the time to dwell in the minds of the first-century Christian and attempt to KNOW what they KNEW for sure. The New Testament is very clear about what the first-century Christians knew. Using verses from the NT that include ?know?, ?knowing? and ?do you not know?, we will try and reconstruct some of the absolute so as to leave this study ?absolutely united? in our mission of Christ.

Lesson 10 2012 Camp Hill Evangelism Series How to take care of a Newborn

Sunday AM March 25, 2012This is the final lessons for the series. We must take care of new Christians so that they stay Christians.

Lesson 9 of 2012 Camp Hill Evangelism Series Hope for the Hopeless

Sunday AM March 18, 2012The Christian must not ever let go of their hope. EVER!

The Prodigal Son

Sunday AM March 11, 2012

Lesson 8 2012 Camp Hill Evangelism Series

Sunday AM March 4, 2012This lesson discusses the finer details of the first impression.

Lesson 7 2012 Camp Hill Evangelism Series

Sunday AM February 26, 2012?Becoming All Things For All Men? We must be willing to be flexible to be evangelistic.

Part 6 of 2012 Camp Hill Evangelism Series

Sunday AM February 19, 2012Five myths about the unchurched that must not become stumbling blocks to evangelism.

Part 5 of 2012 Camp Hill Evangelism Series

Sunday AM February 12, 2012When someone is converted to Christ, they also end up with a church family.

Evangelism Series (part 4)

Sunday AM February 5, 2012This is the fourth part of the 2012 Camp Hill Evangelism Series. What is meant by the Magnetism of Evangelism?

What is our Message?

Sunday AM January 29, 2012This is part three of the series 2012 Camp Hill Evangelism Series

Job's Debate

Sunday PM January 22, 2012

A Year in China

Adam Smith - Sunday AM January 22, 2012

The Mission of Missions

Sunday AM January 15, 2012Jesus was a man on a mission. We are to be as well, but what is the primary mission of the Christian?

The Conversion Before Conversions

Sunday AM January 8, 2012This is the first in a series titled The Conversion Before Conversions. We often do not reach out to others with the gospel of Christ because we have not gone through a particular conversion ourselves.

2011 Reflection and 2012 Preview

Sunday AM January 1, 2012This is a summary of what Camp Hill Church of Christ has gone through in the last year and what some of the plans are for 2012.

Biblical Facts and Worldly Myths Surrounding the Birth of Jesus

Sunday AM December 25, 2011We cannot believe everything we hear about the birth of Christ, but we can believe everything we read from the Bible.

Shining as Lights for Jesus

Sunday AM December 18, 2011We know that we are the light of the world, but how can it apply to our lives as Christians? Watch and see.

Why did Doug and Jana Buy Cemetery Property in Rolling Green?

Sunday AM December 4, 2011Recently Jana and I bought our burial estate at Rolling Green Cemetery at Camp Hill. Why did we do this???

The Thirty Thankful Days Challenge

Sunday AM November 27, 2011In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we will cover a challenge of thirty days of thankfulness to God.

The Wonderful Womb People of God

Sunday AM November 13, 2011We have covered husbands and wives. Why not have a lesson concerning children. This lesson examines children in the womb through the eyes of God.

The Rebellious Woman

Sunday AM November 6, 2011In the last lesson we discussed the role of men as fathers and husbands. Now it is the wife's turn.

The Emasculated Man of God

Sunday AM October 23, 2011God has a special purpose for the men in our culture. If they do not take it seriously, they will be subject to emasculation. With an intro like that you will have to listen!

Why can we trust the witness of Jesus?

Sunday AM October 16, 2011Jesus claims to have the power over the resurrection. This is what He said, but why should we take His word on it? This sermon details Jesus defense of that same point to the Jews in John 5.

The Encouragement of John the baptist

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 9, 2011Sometimes the turmoil of life becomes a prison we have difficulty finding our way out of. Jesus assited John the baptist in such a way.

The Ten NOT Commandments of Small Group Studies

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 2, 2011Having already covered the history of small groups and the benefits of the same, we now examine the NOTs of small groups.

The Benefits of Small Group Bible Studies

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM September 11, 2011In the last lesson we covered the history of the small group Bible studies from the Bible. We established from Genesis through the New Testament that people were meeting in groups at many locations and covering many topics. In the second lesson of the three-part series, we will cover some of the many benefits of the same.

The History of Small Group Bible Studies

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 28, 2011This is the first of three lessons covering small group Bible study programs.

Summer of the Psalms part seven

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 21, 2011Being grateful through the eyes of the Psalmist.

Summer of the Psalms part six

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 14, 2011This lesson is dealing with the strength of God from the Psalmist's perspective.

Summer of the Psalms part five

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 7, 2011Thus far in the series of Summer of Psalms, we have covered five themes from this marvelous writing. We have covered Praise to God, Protection from God, Service for God and Reverence of God. In this lesson we will focus on the Guidance of God through the words of the Psalmist.

Summer of the Psalms part four

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM July 24, 2011In this fourth lesson we will focus on the Christian perspective of reverence toward God from the Psalms.

Summer of the Psalms part three

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM July 17, 2011In the series on the Psalms we have thus covered two themes of Christianity, Praise to God and Protection from God. The songs that we have sung for our worship service have all come from the Psalms and paralleled the themes. In the third lesson of the series, we will discuss our Service for God in our Christian perspective.

Summer of the Psalms part two

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM July 10, 2011This lesson focuses on the protection of God.

Summer of the Psalms part one

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM July 3, 2011This is a series of seven lessons covering seven topics in the Psalms. The first lesson is Praise to God.

Our Citizenship in Heaven

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM June 19, 2011In light of the fact that one of our members is being sworn in as a US Citizen, we will use that event to renew our thought on the heavenly citizenship.

The Conversion Story of a Preacher

Sunday AM June 5, 2011This is sermon during a recent pulpit swap with Carlisle church of Christ. This is the conversion story of Tony Tarole, their preacher at the time.

The Shot Heard Around the World

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM May 29, 2011A powerful look at Genesis 3:15.

The Seven Utterances of the Cross

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM May 22, 2011The seven utterances of Jesus communicate: I) The Forgiveness of Jesus as Human (Luke 23:34) II) The Forgiveness of Jesus as Savior (Luke 23:43) III) The Family of Jesus (John 19:26-27) IV) The Forsaking of Jesus (Matt 27:46) V) The Fulfillment of Jesus (John 19:28) VI) The Faith of Jesus (Luke 23:46) VII) The Finality of Jesus (John 19:30)

Spiritual First Aid

Dave Miller - Sunday PM May 15, 2011Sometimes you need to take care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else.


Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM May 15, 2011God is Omnificent, Omnipotent, Omnibenevolent, Omniscient and Omnipresent. If God was not those things, then He would not be God. He is in essence the OMNIGOD! He is our OMNI-EVERYTHING!

Acts 17

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM May 8, 2011continuing evening series on Acts

Time Relationships

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM May 8, 2011The greatest investment that you could ever make for another...TIME. It is the glue that holds our relationships together and is the structure for all of our ministries for the church.

The Start of the Second Missionary Journey

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM May 1, 2011continuing evening series on Acts

The Three Types of Love

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM May 1, 2011There are many prominent words in the Bible: Evil, good, money, sin, life, death and sacrifice just to name a few. Likely the most important word in the whole Bible is LOVE. This word appears in nearly every book of the Bible in one form or another and is a cornerstone theme of the plan of God. Knowing this, I would like to cover three types of love that Bible clearly spells out for us.

Riders of the Holy Express

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM April 24, 2011Matt. 28:19-20  "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."  They were sent out with the message of the Gospel and told to deliver it unto the world.  At this point, they became Apostles and their mission was to be Riders of the Holy Express.

Galatians part 7 Steps of Restoration

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM April 10, 2011There are always brothers and sisters in need of restoration. Paul points out five steps in doing so.

Acts 14

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM April 3, 2011continuing evening series on Acts

Galatians Part 6: The Fruit of the Spirit

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM April 3, 2011Christians have a decision to make every single day, follow the deeds ot the flesh or reap the fruit of the Spirit.

Galatians Part 5 Three Elements of a Good Appeal

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM March 20, 2011In this lesson we study the technique of Paul's appeal to the Galatians. He is truly the master of a good appeal.

Galatians Part 4 Being a Child of God

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM March 13, 2011What does it mean to be a child of God? It is about sharing in the family of God, the freedoms of God and the blessings of God.

Acts 12

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM March 6, 2011continuing evening series on Acts

Galatians part 3

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM March 6, 2011Justification by Works or by Faith? Paul makes it very clear which decision is to be made.

Galatians part 2

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 27, 2011Paul defends his apostleship and the gospel that he preached.

Galatians part 1

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 20, 2011This is the first lesson in the series on Galatians. In the sermon we will cover the opening of the letter.

What they really wanted for Valentine's Day

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 13, 2011The candy, the flowers, the cards, the dinners all communicate one theme...LOVE. With that in mind and using 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, let us see what they really wanted for Valentine's Day.

Take Heed Lest Ye fall

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 6, 2011Time and events have a way of changing the future of a soul.

The Dangers of Grumbling

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 30, 2011Whenever the people of God are on the right path toward prosperity, the devil tries to knock us off track through grumbling. This lesson examines the true dangers of grumbling.

Defining a Best Friend Forever

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 23, 2011Using the relationship of David and Jonathan from the books of 1 and 2 Samuel, we will try to define what a ?Best Friend Forever? is and how to develop this type of friendship with another. How can you identify a ?Best Friend Forever??

Basic Teachings of a Strong Disciple

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 16, 2011Jesus said in Matthew 28:20 that disciples must be taught to observe commandments in order to stay disciples. This lesson looks at some of the basic concepts to be taught to disciples to keep them and others in the Kingdom of God.

The 2011 Resolution That Will Make a Difference

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 2, 2011There are so many resolutions that are made this time of year, but this is the one that is above all others in 2011.

The Real Christmas Story

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM December 26, 2010We are in a season where much of the world has the account of the birth of Christ on their minds, for that is a national tradition. The world has a way of teaching in the name of the Bible that which is not even in the Bible. The aim of this lesson is to use actually use the Bible to expose the misrepresentations of the Bible by the world.

When Your Back is Against the Wall

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM December 19, 2010What do you do when your back is against the wall? Try reading this and you will know better.

The Four Compromises of the Devil part 4

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM December 12, 2010We must make sure that we take our possessions when entering into the Promised Land.

The Four Compromises of the Devil part 3

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM December 5, 2010This is the third part of a four part series concerning the compromises that Pharaoh wanted Moses to accept. The primary theme of the lesson is PARENTS, GET INVOLVED!

The Four Compromises of the Devil part 2

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM November 28, 2010Pharaoh enticed Moses to carry out the compromise of the uncommitted heart, but to no avail. We ought also do the same in our Christian walk.

The Four Compromises of the Devil part 1

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM November 21, 2010The account of Moses and his encounter with Pharaoh makes for some interesting reading. It was during the series of plagues that we find another series of value that is often overlooked. It is a sequence of four compromises that the devil would like for the church and the Christians therewith to take.

Seeing the Big Picture

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM November 7, 2010Through the biography of Joseph the son of Jacob, we discover the importance of seeing the big picture.

Evangelistic Excuses

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 31, 2010When it comes to evangelism, there are no excuses. Just ask Moses!

2010 Election Preparation Sermon

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 24, 2010Are you ready to vote? You will be after this lesson.

The Letter to Philemon

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 17, 2010The story of a runaway slave, his conversion and the return back to the master.

Evolution part 8: Evidence of the Flood

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 10, 2010Is a Christian foolish to believe in a Great Flood as spelled out in Genesis 6-9? Hopefully you will be more than willing to examine just a brief overview before making up your mind.

Evolution Part 7: The Biological Challenges to Evolution

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 3, 2010This is a continuation of the series on Evolution. In this lesson we will look at just a few of the biological hurdles we must face in order to believe in Evolution.

The Beauty of the Christian Community

Jonathan Noland - Sunday PM September 12, 2010The Beauty of the Christian Community.

Sources of Joy for the Christian

Sunday AM September 12, 2010What are sources of joy for Christians?  Paul Cantrell tells us today.

Royal Lessons from the Kings: Uzziah pt twelve

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM September 5, 2010Royal Lessons from the Kings: Uzziah -King of Pride

Evolution Part 6: The Geological Challenges to Evolution

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM September 5, 2010Here is yet another batch of evidences that the religion of Evolution must contend with.

Evolution Part 5: The Astronomical Challenges of Evolution

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 29, 2010This is the first lesson of the second session in the Evolution Series. There are many obstacles that must be addressed by the Evolutionist. Perhaps they would do well to deal with the astronomical dilemma.

Evolution Part 4: The Deception of Evolution

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 22, 2010In order to best prepare to reason the Evolution / Intelligent Design argument, we must understand the deception at work in the theory.

Evolution Part 3: The Evolution of Evolution

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 15, 2010Keep an eye on the scientists of Evolution, for they are the only ones that are actually ever-changing.

Evolution Part 2: The Theory of Evolution

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 8, 2010We must remember what theories are, where do they come from and why this should alter what the world is teaching about Evolution.

Evolution Part 1: The Dangers of Evolution

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM August 1, 2010Over the past few decades our culture has replaced the Creation Account with the religion of Evolution. What have been and continue to be the dangers of such? This is part 1 of the series dealing with the problems of Evolution.

Choosing Deacons

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 1, 2010When choosing deacons for the work of the church, it is important to remember what the Bible advises. This lesson aims at keeping that process Biblical.


Dave Miller - Sunday PM July 25, 2010How does the Christian empty themselves for God?

The Management Skills of the Christian part 3

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM July 25, 2010This is the third lesson of the series and deals with the obligation of Christians to be good managers of people.

The Management Skills of the Christian part 2

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM July 18, 2010This is the second lesson of the series and deals with the obligation of Christians to be good managers of money.

Royal Lessons from the Kings part eleven -Jehoram, Ahab and Ahaziah: Every Bad Man has a Rotten Woman Behind Him

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM July 11, 2010You have heard it said that behind every good man is a good woman? Sometimes the opposite is true.

The Management Skills of the Christian part 1

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM July 11, 2010There are three areas of management that the Christian must lead in if they are ever going to have the joy that God wants for them. These three areas are the management skills of TIME, MONEY and PEOPLE. This lesson covers the first in the list.

Royal Lessons from the Kings part ten: Jehoshaphat -The Seeker of the Word of God King

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM July 4, 2010This lesson examines the life of Jehoshaphat and three principles of the seeker of the word of God.

The Five Principles of a Winning Gospel Presentation

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM July 4, 2010What are the essential principles that must be in every gospel presentation? Formation, Deformation, Information, Conformation and Transformation.

Something Smells Like Christianity

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM June 27, 2010Sometimes you just have to follow your knows when it comes to Christianity.

Royal Lessons from the Kings part nine: Baasha, Elah and Zimri

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM June 13, 2010Life comes at you fast, but death comes even faster. Baasha, Elah and Zimri could attest to this.

Royal Lessons from the Kings part eight: Asa -the Bad Healthcare King

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM June 6, 2010Asa was one of five good rulers of the southern kingdom of Judah. It was in the end of his life that we are reminded that God is always to be the Head of our healthcare program.

Royal Lessons from the Kings part seven: Jeroboam -The Dirty Politician

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM May 30, 2010Jeroboam had a chance to make a difference in the world, but became nothing more than a dirty politician.

Royal Lessons from the Kings part six: Rehoboam -The Divisive King

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM May 30, 2010Rehoboam was a divisive king that resulted in the nation splitting into two. Many of the lessons from his life can be applied to the Christian and the church.

The Politically Correct Sermon

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM May 23, 2010Sometimes someone needs to say something about those culturally taboo items. This is that lesson.

Royal Lessons from the Kings part five: Solomon: The Take Heed Lest Ye Fall King

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM May 16, 2010He started out so great, but something happened to cause us to take heed in the life of Solomon.

Devo About Song in the Bible

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM May 9, 2010How are we instructed to worship God with song?  Should we use instruments?  This is a short devo about proper 'song' worship held the night that the Ohio Valley Christian students sang for us (evening).

Royal Lessons from the Kings part four David: The Psalmist

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM May 9, 2010There is so much to know about David the King, but to forget him as a Psalmist would not do justice to his life and the life of the Christian.

Proving the Resurrection of Jesus

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM May 2, 2010There are many things in this world we are going to be asked to prove. We must prove that we are a US Citizen. We must prove that we are legally married. We must prove that we paid for something before walking out the door of Walmart. We must prove that Jesus resurrected from the dead. Can you guess which one this sermon is about?

Royal Lessons from the Kings part three David: The Repentant Sinner

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM May 2, 2010David was a man after the heart of God, but was not perfect. This lesson examines David the repentant sinner from 2 Samuel chapters 11 and 12.

Royal Lessons from the Kings part two David: The Mighty Man of Valor

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM April 25, 2010David was a man after the heart of God and had many qualities that could be discussed. This is the first lesson examining the life of David, the Mighty Man of Valor.

Royal Lessons from the Kings part one SAUL

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM April 18, 2010There are many kings mention in the books of First and Second Samuel, Kings and Chronicles. This series covers a biography of these kings and seeks to draw applicable lessons for the Christian thereof. This is part one: Saul

Judges: The God Stealers part 3

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM April 11, 2010There are many different forces pulling at our children's relationship with God and threatening to steal the God out of us. Using the story of Micah from the book of Judges we'll point out some of the things we need to watch for.

How Do I Know That I Am Walking in the Light? Part Five

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM April 11, 2010This is the fourth Lightmus Test that John reveals that the Christian should be focusing on to see whether or not they are walking in the light. We must hold to the correct perspective of the brethren if we ever should have assurance of heaven.

Was Jesus a Real Person of History?

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM April 4, 2010There are those in society that have taken the position that Jesus was not a real person of history. This should help refute this.

How Do I Know That I Am Walking in the Light? Part Four

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM April 4, 2010Are you really walking in the light? What is your relationship with the world is yet another Lightmus Test to see where your fellowship is with the Lord. We must have a correct perspective of the world.

How Do I Know That I Am Walking in the Light? Part Three

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM March 28, 2010There are many Christians that do not understand the depth of the forgiveness of Christ. This will definately help for Lightmus Test Two is holding to the correct perspective of sin.

How Do I Know That I Am Walking in the Light? Part Two

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM March 21, 2010This is the first of the Lightmus Tests that John offers to the Christian so that they will know they are walking in the light. Do they have the correct perspective of Jesus?

How Do I Know That I Am Walking in the Light? Part One

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM March 14, 2010John tells us in 1 John 1:5-7 that we can know we are in fellowship with Jesus if we are walking in the light. The problem is that we often do not define what John is referring to, leaving us to wonder, Am I really walking in the light? This series of five lessons is targeted to answer that question.

Cereal Box Christians Part 2 Competing like a Cereal Box Christian

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 28, 2010A continuation of the Cereal Box Christians Series.

Cereal Box Christians Part 1 Practicing like a Cereal Box Christian

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 21, 2010We have all seen those star Olympic athletes on the box of Wheaties. How can we be sure that we are on God's cereal box? How can we be the Cereal Box Christians, Champions in God's Kingdom? This three part series answers that question.

Dealing With Grief and Loss Part 6

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 14, 2010Part 6: Remembering that it is about Remebering. The greatest need to be met when grieving the loss of a loved-one is simply to be remembered.

Dealing With Grief and Loss Part 5

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 7, 2010Part 5: When someone you love dies, what can you do to help you? This lesson helps answer that question.

Dealing With Grief and Loss Part 4

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 31, 2010Part 4: What can I really do for you? Many times we want to help someone struggling with grief, but how? Jesus points us in the right way through the resurrection of Lazarus in John 11.

Dealing With Grief and Loss Part 3

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 24, 2010Part 3: Dealing with guilt. When someone we love passes away, there is often a great deal of guilt left behind that has to be dealt with. This lesson addresses the guilt and allows the sufferer to move on.

Dealing with Grief and Loss Part 2

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 17, 2010Part 2: The five stages of grief. There are five recognized stages of grief: disbelief, yearning, anger, depression and acceptance. Understanding these stages through a biblical perspective can help us avoid some of the pitfalls associated with grief.

Dealing with Grief and Loss Part 1

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 10, 2010Part 1: Five Sobering Truths About Grieving. These are some of the things that you should know concerning grieving the loss of a loved-one.


Steve Cantrell - Sunday PM December 27, 2009Is there such a thing in today's world as absolute truth? It's a question that needs to be dealt with and all of us will have to face it one day. So where do we find it?

Hobbies and Heaven

Tim Williams - Sunday PM October 18, 2009Evaluating our hobbies and interests to determine whether or not they are Godly and how to use them in service to God.

The Sacrificial System: Part 6

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 18, 2009The Holy of Holies

The Sacrificial System: Part 5

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM October 11, 2009The Altar of Incense.

The Sacrificial System: Part 4

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 11, 2009The Golden Lampstand

The Sacrificial System Part 3

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 4, 2009In the tent of meeting.

The Sacrificial System: Part 1

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM September 13, 2009Understanding the Importance of the Sacrificial System

How to Identify a Lazy Soul

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM September 6, 2009Go to the ant O sluggard. Consider her ways and be wise.

Burying the Hatchet

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 30, 2009The art of forgiveness.

The Commitment of Marriage

Sunday AM August 23, 2009Facing the challenges of commitment.

Resisting God

Paul Cantrell - Sunday AM August 16, 2009Resist the devil and he will flee from you. What happens when we resist God?  A lesson by Paul Cantrell.

Part 8: The Josiah project

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 9, 2009Reaching out to the politician.

Broken Christian Theory

Dave Miller - Sunday PM August 2, 2009Learning to live pro-actively instead of re-actively.

Part 7: The Josiah project

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 2, 2009Military Ministry

Jude Part 1

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM July 26, 2009

Part 6: The Josiah project

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM July 26, 2009Gay Ministry

Part 5: The Josiah project

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM July 12, 2009There must be rededication?

Phases to Life: New Birth vs New Christian

Sunday PM July 5, 2009Keith Brannon compares new physical births with new spiritual births.

Part 4: The Josiah project

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM July 5, 2009The Cup of Wrath.

Something Worth Dying For

Paul Cantrell - Sunday AM June 28, 2009Acts 26:24-29 Do you have something worth dying for? asks Paul Cantrell this morning.

Part 3: The Josiah project

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM June 21, 2009What is our part in the current crisis facing the nation?

Part 2: Josiah Project

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM June 14, 2009The Eight Year Old Becomes King

Part 1: The Josiah Project

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM May 31, 2009All civilizations, cultures and nations have an end.

Ascribing Glory to God

Sunday AM May 24, 2009What does it mean to ascribe glory to God, and how can we do that?  A powerful message by Paul Cantrell.

Part 11: He Is Risen!

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM May 17, 2009Hallelujah!

Crucifixion Phenomenon

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM May 10, 2009Sun darkened at noon, veil rent top to bottom, earthquakes, graves rent open, saints rising. What's going on here?

Part 10: How Dead was Jesus?

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM May 10, 2009Did Jesus really die on the cross?

Part 9: It Is Finished

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM May 3, 2009Jesus final moments on the cross.

Run with Endurance

Sunday PM April 26, 2009Running the Christian race.

Part 8: Father, Into Thy Hands I Commit My Spirit

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM April 26, 2009An examination of that statement which Jesus proclaimed from the cross.

The Face of Adversity

Sunday PM April 19, 2009A lesson on adversity by a guest speaker.

Part 7: Prophecies of the Cross

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM April 19, 2009Examination of a few of the over 3000 prophecies fullfilled by Jesus.

Part 6: The Crucifixion of Jesus

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM April 12, 2009Part 2: Continue our look at sermon from the cross.

Part 5: The Crucifixion of Jesus

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM April 12, 2009Part 1: The Sermon from the Cross

Part 4: The Trials of Jesus

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM April 5, 2009The Journey to Golgotha

Part 3: The Trials of Jesus

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM April 5, 2009The Death Sentence

Part 2: The Trials of Jesus

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM March 29, 2009The Roman trials.

America's Christian Heritage Part 2

Sunday PM March 22, 2009The decline of spirituality in America.  Part 2 by Kevin Shaw.

Part 1: The Trials of Jesus

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM March 22, 2009The Jewish trials.

Victory in Jesus

Sunday PM March 15, 2009All that we need to overcome lifes trials and tribulations is found in Christ Jesus.  A lesson by Mike Green.

The Arrest of Jesus

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM March 15, 2009A close look at John's account of Jesus arrest.


Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM March 8, 2009A look at the symbol used by early Christians to identify themselves to each other while under persecution.

Garden of Gethsemane

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM March 8, 2009Jesus darkest hour.

Part 6: No Other gods

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM March 1, 2009The Greek and Roman gods continued.

Part 5: No Other gods

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM March 1, 2009The Greek and Roman gods.

Part 4: No Other gods

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 22, 2009A look at Baal, devastated on Mount Carmel.

Four Compromises of the Uncommitted Christian

Sunday PM February 15, 2009The four compromises of Pharaoh and how they relate to compromises uncommitted Christians may make.

The Place, Qualities, and Work of Deacons

Sunday AM February 15, 2009Paul Cantrell explains the process and selection of choosing new Deacons.

Part 3: No Other gods

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 8, 2009Continuation of the plagues of Egypt.

Part 2: No Other gods

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM February 1, 2009Continuing look into the gods of Egypt. (See notes from this mornings lesson.)

Part 1: No Other gods

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 1, 2009Part 1 of a series examining the gods of Egypt which fell before the Lord God.

Honoring the Aged Among Us

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 25, 2009Look to the wisdom of the aged.

Part 3: The Five Love Languages

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 18, 2009Final part of the three part series on The Five Love Languages of Marriage.

Five Love Languages Continued

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM January 11, 2009Part 2.

The Five Love Languages of Christian Marriage

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 11, 2009Part 1: How to identify and use the Love Languages of Marriage.

Open Forum: Looking Forward to 2009

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM January 4, 2009Whats ahead for the Camp Hill Church of Christ in 2009?

2008 Year in Review

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 4, 2009Looking back at how things were for the Camp Hill Church of Christ during 2008.

Going After Prodigal Sons and Daughters

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM December 28, 2008A lesson on helping those who have lost their way.

The Spiritual Continental Divide

Sunday PM December 21, 2008Brian Dowler's statistical analysis of what kind of behaviors have produced faithful children in the Camp Hill church over the past 35 years.

Ten Steps to Produce Unfaithful Children

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM December 21, 2008A guide to help parents raise faithful children.

Song of Solomon (Part 2)

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM December 14, 2008Let an old book breathe new life into your marriage. Part 2 covers marriage as a spiritual and life-long relationship.

Song of Solomon (Part 1)

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM December 14, 2008Let an old book breathe new life into your marriage. Part 1 covers marriage as a physical and emotional relationship.

Reasons for Giving

Sunday AM December 7, 2008Examine your giving habits with Paul Cantrell.

Thankfulness to God

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM November 30, 2008Expressions of Thankfulness to God from the Church Family at Camp Hill.

The Word was God

Sunday PM November 23, 2008The Word was God? The Word is God? John 1:1-4, 14, 18 - by Mike Green

Are you Vine-worthy?

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM November 23, 2008How to determine if you are VINEWORTHY (John 15:1-25)

Barnabas: Son of Encouragement

Sunday PM November 16, 2008Paul Cantrell asks, "Have you been an encouragement to anyone lately?"

My Goal if I Were The Devil

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM November 16, 2008Five things I would do to make sure you miss Heaven (if I were the Devil that is...)

I Will Never Deny Jesus

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM November 9, 2008Peter: during and after the last supper.

Judas: The Profile of a Betrayer

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM November 9, 2008Judas at the last supper.

Reactions to the Lord's Supper

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM November 2, 2008How will you react to the Lord's supper?

The Four Cups of the Lord's Supper

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM November 2, 2008How the passover meal relates to the Lord's supper.

John the Baptist; The Greatest Servant

Sunday PM October 26, 2008A study of John the Baptist's example by Mike Green.

Dealing with Power-Hungry Christians

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 26, 2008Are you sure you want to be first?

The Appointment of Brian Dowler to the Eldership

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 19, 2008A lesson on the eldership and a prelude to the appointment of Brian Dowler as the newest elder at the Camp Hill Church of Christ.

Knowing the Unknown Self

Lou Boccio - Sunday PM October 12, 2008Knowing ourselves as we are known.

The Voting Christian Part 6

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 12, 2008Ten Election-Proof Truths of the Christian

The Christian Marriage

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM October 5, 2008Open Forum - What 4 groups of people are discussed in 1st Corinthians 7 regarding Christian Marriage.

The Voting Christian Part 5: The Issue of Marriage

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 5, 2008The Issue of Marriage. Selecting a candidate with a biblical perspective on marriage.

The Hope I've Found

Sunday PM September 28, 2008Charlie Dove takes a hard look at Darwinism and how it compares to Christianity.

The Voting Christian Part 4 - Fiscal Responsibility

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM September 28, 2008The issue of financial responsibility.

The Gospel Challenge

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM September 21, 2008Take the gospel challenge! All scripture points to the cross. Can you find the connection?

The Sharpening of the Christian

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM September 21, 2008(Proverbs 27:17) As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.

The Voting Christian Part 3

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM September 14, 2008The Education Factor. (Our apologies, we experienced some technical difficulties at 11 minutes 40 seconds. All words are audible, but there is a strong hum for about 7 seconds.)

The Voting Christian Part 1

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM September 7, 2008The Christian's right and responsibility in the electorial process.

The Sign of His Coming and the End of the Age

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 31, 2008Jesus's prophecies concerning the end of the age. Matthew 24: 36-51

The Prediction of the End of the Jewish Nation

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 24, 2008Jesus's prophecies concerning the destruction of Jerusalem. Matthew 24: 1-35

The Widow's Mites

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 17, 2008Mark 12: 41-44

What Do You Think About Christ?

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 10, 2008How to tell if you have been deceived.

Jesus Insight to the Resurrection

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 3, 2008Jesus teaching on the resurrection.

Render Unto Ceasar

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM July 27, 2008A lesson about how the Pharisees tried to trap Jesus.

Election of Grace

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM July 20, 2008Discusses the issue of election.

Questioning the Authority of Jesus

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM July 13, 2008Many people question the authority of Jesus. How did Jesus address this?

Sharing Jesus With Your Friends

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM July 6, 2008Find out more effective ways to identify people seeking Jesus.

How to Have a Biblical Balanced Perspective

Tim Williams - Sunday AM June 22, 2008What are some ways to see things in the proper Biblical way?

America's Christian Heritage

Sunday PM June 15, 2008What were the founding fathers thinking when this nation was founded? A look at our Christian heritage with Kevin Shaw.

Why Do We Call Him Father?

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM June 15, 2008Our Father God is a wonderful father indeed.

The Truth about Homosexuality

Doug Hamilton - Sunday PM June 8, 2008This is the third lesson about homosexuality in America.

Death of a Civilization

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM June 8, 2008A sobering look at the changes in society pertaining to accepting homosexuality.

Homosexual Marriage: The Decline of Civilization

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM June 1, 2008Let the the watchman give warning, let the Christian learn from history.

Lessons for the Church from the Tower of Babel

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM May 25, 2008Learn about the days of Peleg and the interesting events surrounding the Tower of Babel.

What Profits a Man?

Sunday AM May 18, 2008Paul Cantrell speaks on what is important in life.  Listen to this lesson on a very vital subject.

Seven Great Mothers

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM May 11, 2008Learn about some great mothers and their attributes.

Spiritual Warfare

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM May 4, 2008There is a battle going on around us. Learn how to deal with it.

Christ - The End of the Law

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM April 27, 2008Learn how Jesus was the fulfillment of the Law.

Through the Eyes of an Atheist

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM April 20, 2008Responses to questions from an atheist

Creation or Evolution

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM April 6, 2008Is the new evolutionary version of how we got here correct? Or is the biblical version of creation right?

Time Relationships

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM March 30, 2008Invest in relationships for lasting memories.

Cleansing of a Temple

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM March 23, 2008Does your temple need to be cleansed?

One Night in Bethany

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM March 9, 2008Insight into Mary annointing Jesus with perfume.

Ghana-Where Do I Fit In?

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM March 2, 2008How can you help in the work in Ghana?

What's In a Name?

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM October 21, 2007An interesting look at how the meaning of names ties together to be a gospel message.


Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM September 23, 2007

Why I am a Member of Christ's Church

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 11, 2007What church is the one to be part of?

The Generational Curse Part VII

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM March 14, 2004This is the seventh part of the 7-part Generational Curse series

The Generational Curse Part VI

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 29, 2004This is the sixth part of the 7-part Generational Curse series

The Generational Curse Part V

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 15, 2004This is the fifth part of the 7-part Generational Curse series

The Generational Curse Part IV

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 8, 2004This is the fourth part of the 7-part Generational Curse series

The Generational Curse Part III

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 1, 2004This is the third part of the 7-part Generational Curse Series

The Generational Curse Part II

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 25, 2004This is the second part of the 7-part Generational Curse Series

The Generational Curse Part I

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 18, 2004This is the first part of the 7-part Generational Curse Series