Small Groups

Beyond the Building – Small Groups & Activities

We strive to be an active family of believers beyond the regular Sunday and Wednesday services & classes at our building. Among a number of other activities we have small groups that meet in homes and other locations.


Our groups are flexible and ever changing to meet the needs of members, friends, and visitors. Some groups are set up by invitation for special purposes, but many studies and activities are open to anyone interested in studying God’s Word and encouraging and serving others.

Small groups are available for both member & visitor studies as well as evangelistic outreach. Some are designed to last only six weeks and others are continuing long term groups. Specific studies or special groups can be set up upon request.

Typically these groups are weekly home Bible studies, but also include monthly studies at a local gymnastics school, ladies luncheons at a local restaurant, prayer meetings, groups that meet to perform a service, and life groups.