

Romans Pt. 20 - The Final Instruction and Farewell to the Roman Church

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM March 1, 2015We have reached the end of our journey through the letter to the Roman church. Paul was able to successfully address the strife between the Jewish and Gentile converts and with those teachings in their possession, he provided some parting advice. There were three bits of sound wisdom imparted which can serve us well in the church today.

Romans Pt. 19 - A Biography of a Church Family

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM February 15, 2015What was the Roman church like in the first century?  They were a diverse group of active Christians, seeking to make a difference for the cause of Christ. There were missionaries from various backgrounds, couples, singles, Jewish and Gentile converts, men and women, rich and poor, and everyone in-between.  So different from each other, yet united in Christ.  This morning we'll meet some of those early Christians and learn how we can fit together into Christ's church.

Romans Pt. 16 - Putting Personal Relationships Ahead of Personal Traditions

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM January 25, 2015Can we dishonor God by becoming a stumbling block to our brother?  God will judge each of us individually for our deeds in this area of our life. We must make our best attempts to not let our personal traditions come before your brother’s personal relationship with God.  Instead, strive to become a peacemaker for the congregation and God will always be pleased.

Romans Pt. 4 Three Facts About Sinners

Doug Hamilton - Sunday AM August 31, 2014Chapter 3 of Romans teaches us that "all fall short" as sinners - both the Jews and the Gentiles - "there is none righteous, there is not even one."  Paul lays out the plain facts that neither group can be saved by faith only or by works only.  Doug points out 3 related dangers that can befall Christians in regards to sin and how we can avoid them.