
The seven churches of asia

The Seven Churches of Asia: Laodicea

Sunday AM July 5, 2015The church in Laodicea was the opposite of the church in Philadelphia.  They were 'lukewarm' in their loyalty to Christ and relied upon wealth and for self-worth.  This can easily happen today, therefore we must exhibit a zeal for Christ and lay up our treasures in heaven.

The Seven Churches of Asia: Philadelphia

Sunday AM June 28, 2015Philadelphia was the newest of the seven churches studied thus far, but it was a "key" location for the spread of the Gospel.  Because of their faithfulness and perseverance, God promised to protect them from persecution, "open doors" for them, and offered them the hope of an eternal prize.  They were the only church of the seven without a reprimand.  Find out how those Christians can be a role model for His church today.

The Seven Churches of Asia: Sardis

Sunday AM June 14, 2015We must seek to put something into our worship service before we can expect to take something out of it.  We must avoid ever becoming a “graveyard dead” church family like the one in Sardis which benefits no one and renders us useless to God as well.

The Seven Churches of Asia: Thyatira

Sunday AM June 7, 2015The Lord had much praise for the good works being done in Thyatira.  His warning was in regards to the things that they tolerated.  When it comes to sin, Jesus did not tolerate it and neither should His church.

The Seven Churches of Asia: Pergamum

Sunday AM May 31, 2015Pergamum held the seat of power and was the administrative city of Asia.  It had the potential to be a great testament to the Lord, however they tolerated false teachers that drew some away from the truth.  God warns them of the cost if they do not repent quickly and leaves them with an undeniable promise.

The Seven Churches of Asia: Smyrna

Sunday AM May 24, 2015The Lord had a message for His church in Smyrna and He asks the same of His church here today:  be faithful unto death.  He warns of the upcoming tribulation and helps them focus on the eternal reward - given to all who remain faithful regardless of what happens in this life.  Jesus will see to it that all Christians are taken care of.

The Seven Churches of Asia: Ephesus

Monday AM May 11, 2015The church at Ephesus had done a lot of good deeds, however they were admonished that they had lost their first love.  We also must make sure that we never lose the “first love” factor in our Christian lives.  We must remind others in the church, and be reminded ourselves, to repent and live the way God has called for us to do - with love.

Patmos and the Seven Churches of Asia

Sunday AM May 3, 2015The purpose of this series is to learn eight applicable lessons from the locations described in Revelation 1:9-11.  They are:  Patmos, Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.  Today we'll learn how the first-century church was able to  spread the word in a hostile environment and how we can do the same.